Wednesday, October 8, 2008

September Meeting Minutes

Orchards HOA Meeting Minutes for September 8th, 2008

Board Members Present: Travis Denton, Keith Klauss, Kim Best, Jane Button

Others Present: Janet Prendergrast

Meeting was called to order at 6:20pm at Jane’s house

Action Items:

- Minutes were read and approved from August 7th meeting.

- Concrete issues at Meadow Glen Lane and Silverthorn Lane
-Curbs and Sidewalks (all concrete work)
-Board approved to get all concrete work done under $7000.00

- Budget was approved from August 7th, 2008

- The Board approved to up the dues for 2009 to $350.00

- Board approved/moved to maintain all original fences put up by the HOA.

Discussion Items:

- January Annual Meeting to be held on Jan. 15th at 6pm; Kim is to ask Dave if we can use his church for the meeting

- Lawn Maintenance and Snowplowing Quotations to Arbor Pro and Roberts Gardening

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm

NEXT MEETING: October 23, 2008 6pm @ Jane Button's House