Saturday, January 16, 2010

Juanuary 2010: Quarterly Newsletter


January 11, 2010

I have felt for almost four years now that because the attendance and participation at the monthly board meetings and the annual homeowners meeting is so low, that a newsletter is needed to at least let the homeowners know what has been happening in the neighborhood.

You all received an insert in the notification of the annual meeting which showed the Actuals for 2009. Last night we discussed the breakdown a bit more, and I thought you would like to know what I heard. The numbers I will list for Repairs & Maintenance will be rounded, but should be very close.

Repairs to asphalt on Silverthorn: Because of the water runoff problems on Silverthorn, the asphalt streets were showing cracking from sinking. Specialty Asphalt was called out to rebuild the crown just past the mailboxes as you go into the Orchards, and they also resealed the cracks that were opening up in the street. That cost was around $800.

Installation of two storm drains on Silverthorn: We asked the city officials to come out and look over the water runoff problems with us. Todd Ableman, Elisa Rodriquez and John Johnson came out. Firstly they made it very clear that the city had no responsibility to install the drains because we are a private, homeowner neighborhood. We knew that but wanted to make sure they would not stand in the way of our doing this project, and also wanted to pick their brains regarding who to send requests for quotation. The city said we need no permit, and to just send them a letter of intent.

Requests for quotation were sent out and Half Moon Construction installed the drains for $6,100. The recent rain has pointed out that there are still issues to be dealt with, fences in the swale blocking the flow to the catchment areas, and the fact that the Barrington Apartments are just not capturing their runoff, and it is flooding Silverthorn. The creek draining from Normal Park Road is also dumping a great deal of water into our system.

These two projects accounted for $6,900 of the $7,386 shown as expended for repairs and maintenance in 2009.

Snow Removal costs were $13,033.

Another cost which blindsided the HOA was a notification from the Assessor’s Office that we were in arrears for the last three years on property taxes. This lead to an investigation and we found that Clifford Mort of Mort Construction, the original developer of the Orchards, had not signed these two common areas (the park and the RV/guest parking area) over to the HOA. He must have been getting the bills for these two areas, but ignored them, so the end result to the HOA was back taxes plus penalties of $2,631. Ouch!

The law office who originally handled the paperwork transferring the Orchards to the HOA was contacted. Steven Drummond spent a lot of time researching and getting Mr. Mort tracked down to sign the quit claims. They have been properly filed now, and all common areas are in the association’s name. No Charge to the association.

The last large dollar item for 2009 is Grounds. That figure represents the mowing and weed whipping of the common areas, spraying for weed control and the pruning of the trees along the Silverthorn entrance.

A committee was set up to meet with Elisa Rodriquez and Mayor Tom Trulove in regard to the drainage issues affecting the Orchards.

The annual meeting had less attendance than was required for a quorum (we need 34 homeowners in attendance). The current President, V. President, Secretary and 5th Board member will be staying for a third term. The Treasurer position had two candidates, and the Board will be sending out a ballot for your vote. Invoices will have been sent out by the time you receive this newsletter.

Written By Janet Prendergast (The Orchards Home Owner)