Thursday, August 25, 2011

April Meeting Minutes

Orchards Home Owner’s Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2011

Location: Janet Prendergast’s home

Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey, Janet Prendergast, Jane Button, Scott Woller

The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:35 pm

Old Business

The minutes of 03-08-2011 were read and approved unanimously. (Motion by Janet, 2nd by Scott)

Janet read the Treasurer’s report. The ending balance at 03-31-2008 was $26,590.60. The 4the dues statement was sent on April 6th. Janet will not send any more statements; the unpaid accounts will be turned over to Automated Accounts.

Janet presented the list of prioritized maintenance:

· Park irrigation system: Bulldog Sprinkler looked at the park irrigation system. The problem was that the system wasn’t turned off completely in the fall. It should be okay when it’s turned back on (the only problem may be if there was water in the lines that froze during the winter).

· Standing water in street: Meadow Glen Street-Janet received a quote for the grate on the corner of Meadow Glen and Silverthorn for $4,913. The board decided to table this maintenance until September to determine if there’s adequate funding to make the repair this year.

· Speed bumps: Scott and Cory would like to put posts at the end of the speed bumps to deter cars from driving on the sidewalks and lawns. This could eliminate the need to cut out the center of the speed bumps. Janet would get a quote from Specialty Asphalt for core drilling the post holes. The board didn’t decide to move on this idea. Jane moved to contact Mathias to paint the speed bumps and curbs and to contact AAA to sweep the streets. It was 2nd by Scott and passed unanimously.

New Business

Chris from Automated Accounts was there to provide information and answer questions regarding their collection services. Below is a summary of the information:All of their services are on-line

· They only file law suits as a last resort; they can do wage garnishments if they get a judgment

· They attempt to work out payment plans with individuals who are turned over

· They are very accommodating; they will work for the HOA

· They have a pre-collection service that is in effect for the first 30 days after the account is turned over. During that time, the service is provided free of charge.

· When they receive an account, they immediately compile all of the home owner’s information, and they send out a letter within a couple of days.

Janet made a motion to sign the contract with Automated Accounts, Jane 2nd the motion, and it passed unanimously. Chris took 12 accounts with him that evening.

The board discussed “hardship” waivers of the HOA dues for home owners who have extenuating circumstances. Scott brought up changing the by-laws so that each home owner was treated fairly.

The board reviewed Andrew’s Lawn and Tree quotation for services. We will only have him mow once a week and all other maintenance is on an as-needed basis. Janet will ask him to spray the rock beds in the swales at the Silverthorn entrance and the big pit in the park.

ARC approvals: Scott presented 2 ARC forms, and both were approved (Gallaher for a chain link fence and Crow for an 8’x12’ shed).

Janet received the board’s approval to build a concrete black fence behind the rock at the corner of Meadow Glen and Paradise.

Cory requested that we get license plate numbers of anyone we see going around the speed bumps or speeding.

Jessica has a draft of the HOA Facebook page.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05

Since the meeting, the board approved by email correspondence the following( 4 votes for the maintenance; the Woller’s did not vote; approval emails on file with secretary): (Janet’s email): I got a quote to fix the Homeowners Assn portion of the swale behind the Holiday Inn from Anderson Landscaping. They would put in an 18 inch culvert, gravel, around the sides, top soil and seed. That would take care of our section from eroding. He would probably contact Greg Bell and see if he wants his swale done also. The cost is $3200. They want to do it in the next week to 10 days while they are out here working in Cheney. This is the repair-maintenance project that Jane and I had on our repair list to get done. We have $1,000 committed right now is repairs (sweeping and painting of the speed bumps and curbs on the corners). Would you as a Board like to do this one at this time and get it done with? Let me know this week, so I can tell them.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 10 at 7:00 pm at Janet’s home.

"Yard of the Month"

August 2011: Don and Joanne Jones

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Yard of the Month"

July 2011: The Denton Family

Monday, May 2, 2011

April Meeting Minutes

Orchards Home Owner’s Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2011

Location: Janet Prendergast’s home

Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey, Janet Prendergast, Jane Button, Scott Woller

The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:35 pm

Old Business

The minutes of 03-08-2011 were read and approved unanimously. (Motion by Janet, 2nd by Scott)

Janet read the Treasurer’s report. The ending balance at 03-31-2008 was $26,590.60. The 4the dues statement was sent on April 6th. Janet will not send any more statements; the unpaid accounts will be turned over to Automated Accounts.

Janet presented the list of prioritized maintenance:

· Park irrigation system: Bulldog Sprinkler looked at the park irrigation system. The problem was that the system wasn’t turned off completely in the fall. It should be okay when it’s turned back on (the only problem may be if there was water in the lines that froze during the winter).

· Standing water in street: Meadow Glen Street-Janet received a quote for the grate on the corner of Meadow Glen and Silverthorn for $4,913. The board decided to table this maintenance until September to determine if there’s adequate funding to make the repair this year.

· Speed bumps: Scott and Cory would like to put posts at the end of the speed bumps to deter cars from driving on the sidewalks and lawns. This could eliminate the need to cut out the center of the speed bumps. Janet would get a quote from Specialty Asphalt for core drilling the post holes. The board didn’t decide to move on this idea. Jane moved to contact Mathias to paint the speed bumps and curbs and to contact AAA to sweep the streets. It was 2nd by Scott and passed unanimously.

New Business

Chris from Automated Accounts was there to provide information and answer questions regarding their collection services. Below is a summary of the information:All of their services are on-line

· They only file law suits as a last resort; they can do wage garnishments if they get a judgment

· They attempt to work out payment plans with individuals who are turned over

· They are very accommodating; they will work for the HOA

· They have a pre-collection service that is in effect for the first 30 days after the account is turned over. During that time, the service is provided free of charge.

· When they receive an account, they immediately compile all of the home owner’s information, and they send out a letter within a couple of days.

Janet made a motion to sign the contract with Automated Accounts, Jane 2nd the motion, and it passed unanimously. Chris took 12 accounts with him that evening.

The board discussed “hardship” waivers of the HOA dues for home owners who have extenuating circumstances. Scott brought up changing the by-laws so that each home owner was treated fairly.

The board reviewed Andrew’s Lawn and Tree quotation for services. We will only have him mow once a week and all other maintenance is on an as-needed basis. Janet will ask him to spray the rock beds in the swales at the Silverthorn entrance and the big pit in the park.

ARC approvals: Scott presented 2 ARC forms, and both were approved (Gallaher for a chain link fence and Crow for an 8’x12’ shed).

Janet received the board’s approval to build a concrete black fence behind the rock at the corner of Meadow Glen and Paradise.

Cory requested that we get license plate numbers of anyone we see going around the speed bumps or speeding.

Jessica has a draft of the HOA Facebook page.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05

Since the meeting, the board approved by email correspondence the following( 4 votes for the maintenance; the Woller’s did not vote; approval emails on file with secretary): (Janet’s email): I got a quote to fix the Homeowners Assn portion of the swale behind the Holiday Inn from Anderson Landscaping. They would put in an 18 inch culvert, gravel, around the sides, top soil and seed. That would take care of our section from eroding. He would probably contact Greg Bell and see if he wants his swale done also. The cost is $3200. They want to do it in the next week to 10 days while they are out here working in Cheney. This is the repair-maintenance project that Jane and I had on our repair list to get done. We have $1,000 committed right now is repairs (sweeping and painting of the speed bumps and curbs on the corners). Would you as a Board like to do this one at this time and get it done with? Let me know this week, so I can tell them.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 10 at 7:00 pm at Janet’s home.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

March 2011 Meeting Minutes

Orchards Home Owner’s Meeting Minutes, March 8, 2011

Location: Janet Prendergast’s home

Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey, Janet Prendergast, Jane Button

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:05 pm

Old Business

· The minutes of the February 8, 2011 were read and approved unanimously.

· Janet presented the Treasurer’s report. The checking balance as of 02-28-2011 is $24,931.13. 20 home owners have still not paid dues. Janet will include the Automated Accounts orange label on the 3rd billing (and the $50.00 late fee). There are 2 homes going up for auction (3313 Thistle Creek and one of the duplexes on Meadow Glen). The largest expenditure category is for grounds—plowing and de-icer. Corey will call Andrew’s Lawn & Tree to ask Gary to get approval before plowing more than twice in any 24 hour period and one board member’s approval for any de-icing. Corey and Jessica will monitor the de-icing each morning and contact Gary if they think it’s necessary. Janet presented materials about Automated Accounts. There is no cost to the HOA to use the service, and anything collected is split 40/60. They can also file liens and we split anything collected 50/50 after court costs. Because we have 6 homeowners in foreclosure, we anticipate using the service this year. See new business for discussion and action on reserve account CD.

· All of the signs that were down were put back up by Corey and Scott except the one that needs a post.

· The Walker’s rock discussed at the February 8 meeting probably can’t be moved because the home no longer belongs to the Walker’s.

New Business

· The renewal of the reserve account CD was discussed. The Banner rate is .85% and the STCU rate is 1.65% for 15 months. Jane made a motion to move the reserve account from Banner to STCU that was seconded by Jessica and unanimously approved. The reserve account will be moved to STCU when renewed in late March.

· Janet brought up painting the curb corners and speed bumps. A motion to get a quote from Mathias Striping was made by Jane, seconded by Jessica and unanimously approved. Janet will get the quote to have for work in early spring.

· We discussed moving signs, but it would probably be too expensive. We also discussed having cutouts made in all of the speed bumps (like the one that was done on Silverthorn last year). Janet will contact Specialty Asphalt to get an estimate for doing all of the speed bumps. She will also ask if they could do the painting of the speed bumps and compare this to the quote from Mathias.

· Janet created a repair and replacement list. All board members will review the list and send their prioritized lists to Janet. One of the items on the list is whether or not we want to pay for the park maintenance. We discussed other items on the list including gravel in the common areas, replacing the boxes by the mail boxes vs. using Facebook or the website only, the sprinkler system in the common areas, the repair of the streets, and the rocks on the swale off of Silverthorn that need to be replaced. It was generally agreed that fixing the drainage in areas where it pools on the streets is the most important repair.

· We discussed violation notices. Corey has received several emails regarding notices. 3132 Meadow Glen will get an apology because their garbage can was taken in—it was the other side of the duplex that hadn’t taken in their can. This lead to a change in the bylaws . The wording in Article 10.3. will be changed to define when garbage cans need to be out of view. The motion was made by Jane, seconded by Janet and unanimously approved. See approved revision below:

10.03 Garbage Disposal.

All refuse, garbage and trash shall be kept at all times in covered

containers, which shall be kept and maintained within the enclosed structure or

appropriately screened from view, except when necessarily placed for pick up by garbage

removal services. (new wording): Garbage cans must be put away within 24 hours of garbage collection. No lumber or scrap, refuse, trash or other materials shall be kept, stored

or allowed to accumulate on any Lot. There is absolutely no dumping of any kind on

vacant lots or in common areas.

BoldThe meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm at Janet’s house.