Monday, February 21, 2011

February Meeting Minutes

Orchards Home Owner’s Meeting Minutes, February 8, 2011

Location: Janet Prendergast’s home

Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey, Heather Woller, Janet Prendergast, Jane Button
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:15 pm

Old Business
• The minutes and amendments of the January, 2011 were read and approved unanimously.
• Janet discussed the leak in the watering system at the park that was discovered by Kelsey when the October water bill was much higher than previous bills. Janet contacted the City of Cheney in December and had the water turned off. In the spring the source of the leak will be determined and whether it’s the HOA’s or the City’s responsibility to fix the leak.
• Janet presented the Treasurer’s report. The checking balance as of 01-31-2011 is $16,057.84. About 39 home owners have paid the 2011 dues. The largest expenditure category is for grounds—plowing and de-icer. Corey will call Andrew’s Lawn & Tree to ask Gary to get approval before de-icing. There’s a Copy Junction invoice that Janet can’t identity—she will try to determine the source. Fidelity Insurance was trying to increase the premium; Janet notified them that we didn’t need the additional coverage.
• Tyler Kulhman emailed about being fined for not removing snow. Tyler’s fine was waived
• The fire lane sign is down on Silverthorn (the post is also down). There are several other signs that are damaged or down that need to be replaced. Heather volunteered Scott to put up the sign by their house. We need to order at least one fire lane sign and one speed bump sign.

New Business
• The board discussed the protruding metal bar on the sidewalk by the fence at 305 Meadow Glen where the tree was removed. Janet will send a note to the home owner to request that the metal piece be removed as it poses a danger to anyway walking or playing on the sidewalk.
• Janet is going to contact the home owner of the first home on Silverthorn’s Betz Street entry to ask them to remove the boards.
• There was discussion regarding maintenance:
  • New gravel is needed on Silverthorn and the RV parking place
  • The HOA can’t assume financial responsibility for any of the fences—they are the sole responsibility of the home owners
  • Discussed whether the City should plow Meadow Glen—they’ve said in the past that they can’t because of the curbs and speed bumps
  • Discussed snow berms on the sidewalks; Cory would be willing to rent a Snow Cat to remove the berms if necessary
  • Discussed how to keep vehicles from driving on the sidewalks to avoid the speed bumps—whether we should do cut-outs on the speed bumps (like the one done on Silverthorn) A motion to get a quote from Specialty Asphalt was made by Jessica, seconded by Heather and unanimously approved by.
  • Discussed purchasing Stan Walker’s rock to use as the sign at the Silverthorn entrance; Janet will talk to Rudy Betz to determine the feasibility of moving the rock

• Other discussion items: HOA meeting notices will be posted; Monica Denton will still maintain the blog spot; Jessica is going to investigate setting up a Face Book page for the HOA; The Park is on the city’s budget and they are trying to fund it; the restriction of pets was discussed without any action

Next meeting is March 8, 2011 at 7:00 pm—most likely at Janet’s home again

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm