Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March Monthly Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
March 11, 2014

6:40 pm - Meeting Opened by Kelley, Treasurer

Present: Kelley, Brian, Janet, and Chelsie
Not Present/Guests: Mike, Tamra

Treasurer’s Report:

·        Bills to approve/signature
o   Spokane County Treasurer ($29.32 + $101.32)
o   Neighborhood Lawn & Tree ($3,918.64)
o   Banner Bank safe deposit box renewal ($45.00)
o   City of Cheney ($77.11)
·        March Income and Expense report presented by Kelley.
o   Current checking balance of $33,637.11
o   Current savings balance of $33,146.86
o   Dues collected in February totaled $20,604.86.
§  90% of dues have been collected after totaling January dues ($14,065.92) with February.

Old Business
·        Welcome letters out?
o   Zachary Watts (3112 Silverthorn) still needs to be sent out
·        Reminders out to homes out of compliance with garbage cans?
o   All homes in compliance as of 3.11.14
·        Specialty Asphalt bid?
o   $23, 367.90 total bid. Company agrees to absorb crack sealing cost as part of the bid per conversation with Brian.
§  Bid potentially to include repainting of speed bumps. Brian confirms.
o   Discussion of road work and on street parking. Notices will need to be placed on/delivered to all homes with the repair date. The option of towing was presented by Janet in the event of failed response to notices.
§  Option to park in RV parking lot to be included in flier.
o   Brian motions to approve bid. Kelley seconds motion. Motion approved.  Brian to call Specialty Asphalt and see about scheduling.

New Business
·        Reminder letter regarding moving potentially dead vehicle on Whispering Oak (blue truck) to be sent.  
·        Estimate of summer bid from Neighborhood Lawn & Tree presented. Brian suggests review of previous bids. Janet provided history of our relationship with NLT. Their performance has received positive reviews in the past. Kelley to send to Brian.
o   Email vote to be complied. Kelley to supply previous quotes.
·        Kelley to do HOA taxes when tax season approaches.
·        Brian to be absent for the next two HOA meetings (April/May).

Motion to adjourn meeting put forth by Brian; seconded by Kelley. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm

Addendum: After the meeting, via email, a motion was made and approved to move $7,789.30 from the savings account at STCU and transfer to checking at Banner Bank to cover the deposit check to Specialty Asphalt for the upcoming filing of cracks and seal coating of Orchard’s streets.
For the record: Votes submitted in approval by Tammi Jenkins, Brain Lawrence, Chelsie Moyer, and Kelley Cullen. Michael Dempsey did not submit a vote.