Monday, January 19, 2015

Annual Meeting 2015 Minutes

The Orchards HOA Annual Meeting
January 17, 2015

11:00 am   Meeting Opened

Board members present:  Tamra Jenkins, Brian Lawrence, Chelsie Moyer, Kelley Cullen, and Luke Moyer

Homeowners present: Janet Prendergast, Tom Lawson, Brian Crow, Rachel Blom, David & Trish Flowerdew, Karen Schiffner, Jane Button, John & Cassie Day, and Heather Woller.

As our first order of business, Treasurer, Kelley Cullen reported on income and expenses over 2014.

Treasurer’s Report: Kelley Cullen presented the Income/Expense report for January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 and the proposed budget for 2015.  She and Janet will do an Audit of the 2014 books. Janet motions to accept budget. David Flowerdew seconded. Unanimous approval.
  • Janet proposed putting a portion of savings into the CD due to amount in savings which may not be needed for the winter plowing. Kelley explained that CD comes due in the end of September. Tammi proposes to postpone movement of large sums until after snow months as a precaution. Kelley moved to readdress the issue in March. Tammi seconds. Motion confirmed. 
  • Brief summary of road reserve fund presented by Kelley Cullen. Each year a budgeted $10,000 is deposited into the road reserve fund. $100 of individual dues per year are earmarked for this fund.  

Old Business:   
·        Road repairs. Homeowners expressed concern about Inland Asphalt (who completed the road repairs) having not provided the specific notice to homeowners that they themselves said they would give.  Tammi and Janet addressed concerns. Other homeowners expressed that through the process communications improved.
·        Common grounds repairs. Janet proposed replacement of common area fence in 2015. Expected cost of $3,000. Tammi proposed revisiting this item in the March meeting as well.
·        Park: Kelley is pursuing development of play/park area. Currently City of Cheney is without a parks director. Tammi explained the ins/outs of the park to the general audience of the meeting. Janet added the point that the entrance to the proposed park was suggested by the City to be through the Holiday Inn. City to take over the insurance liability and park maintenance should they proceed with development. This will be revisited as soon as a director is installed.  

New Business: 
  • Homeowners commended board on sound fiscal management and good care of the roads in the housing development.
  • Non-election year for Board members. Due to a vacancy by Mike Dempsey, Luke Moyer was acting as interim. There were no other nominations, and Luke was confirmed as Architectural Liaison.
  • Tammi revisited some HOA/City of Cheney regulations. Tammi addressed snow shoveling/removal in the homeowners association. For safety of children’s transit to school, it remains a priority. Storage of materials beside houses addressed; especially potentially broken materials, garbage cans, trailers, etc. Tammi expressed that we are pursuing equitable adherence to the by-laws. However, it was reconfirmed that since it’s such a light winter thus far, and the unbroken, functional basketball hoops are still able to be used, that they would not be a violation (as long as they are not on the sidewalk/street.)
  • Spring proposed repairs. Fire lane curbs to be repainted in the spring. Gravel to be added to treed area on Silverthorne entrance.
  • Home businesses/car repair issues. Tammi explained the danger of car repairs around children. Bylaws contain language that prohibits non-running vehicles. Homes out of compliance to be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Homeowner addressed the lack of clearance of snow on ½ of Silverthorne entrance sidewalk. Tammi to contact Gary.
  • David Flowerdew addressed the water flow issue into the neighborhood. Property swales were designed to accept even “100 year runoff”. However, large amounts of water pool at corners, especially when the drains are blocked. Storms drains addressed some of the water flow issues. Board to look into water flow support from city. Tammi to look at plowing blockages with Gary to ensure that water inlets can continue to accept water. Tammi proposes asking homeowners to report on areas within close proximity to their houses to keep the board more abreast of snow blockages, etc. Tammi will send a communication seeking interest in volunteers who might be willing to clear the inlet closest to their homes. Janet Prendergast stated she will monitor on the corner of Greenbriar and Meadow Glen, and at the RV/Guest Parking area.
  • Tammi made a motion to adjourn. David Flowerdew seconded and it was unanimously passed.  Meeting adjourned at 11:37 am.

The next Board Meeting will be February 10th, 2015 at 6:30 pm.