Saturday, January 14, 2017

January Meeting Minutes

January Meeting Minutes

The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
January 9th, 2016

     The Meeting was called to order by President, Tammi Jenkins at 7:02pm. In attendance were President, Tammi Jenkins; Vice President Brian Lawrence; Secretary, Cassandra Day and Rachel Blom, ARC Liason.

Also in attendance were Denise Rieckmann who is running for a spot on the Board.

Treasurer’s Report:
•        Carl was not there to present the December expenses as he has chosen to step down effective immediately so Tammi presented them. A new treasurer will be voted in at the annual meeting to replace Carl.
•        The proposed bills for December 2016 were  as follows – City of Cheney-103.28, Neighborhood Lawn and Tree-4,244.74 and Copy Junction-130.88. Brian motioned that we pay them and Cassie seconded. Unanimously carried.

New Business
Officer Eastep, a supervisor with the Cheney Police Department was present for part of our meeting to help clarify their role in our neighborhood. The only jurisdiction they enforce here is parking in the fire lane, blocking a hydrant, and crime, including vehicular crimes, in the neighborhood. We discussed the city laws and the ongoing email exchange  with Mayor Trulove about the city's regulation on snowfall and plowing as we have temporarily adopted their regulations as discussed at the last meeting. The city's policy is also under discussion and we will continue to try and coordinate with them on what is appropriate.
Discussed the need for updated contact information and easier ways to reach Homeowners. We will try and get updated contact info from Homeowners but also discussed starting a Facebook group and an app for our neighborhood to help with communication and our sense of community. Cassie agreed to put this together to present at the annual meeting.
In regards to sidewalks not being cleared of snowfall, this is a safety hazard and is the responsibility of the homeowner as stated in the by-laws. It was agreed that homeowners who are in non compliance now will be given one more warning and 24 hours to remedy this before we will thexlearing to be done and the homeowner will be billed for the cost and the fine for non compliance as set forth in the Fines and Fees.

Tammi moved to adjourn meeting at 8:56pm. Cassie seconded, passed unanimously.