Monday, April 8, 2019

March 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA
Monthly-----March 11th, 2019


Start 7:04

Treasurer Report ***Official doc to be added
$185.88 to replace tire on dump trailer from sun rental from when we did the snow removal
----NL&T charged for clearing storm drains (14 @ $5 a piece) but they’re not cleared very well. The contract needs to be more detailed and clearly communicate what we need done better
----19 homes have not paid…2nd notices will be going out before the end of March
Motion to approve by Ashley, second by Philip, all in favor, motion carried.

Old Business
-Secured towing contract with Roger’s Towing for 2019
-Snow was successfully relocated to drainage ditch and overflow parking
-Continuing to edit and update the bylaws to make a cohesive form

New Business
--An addendum was proposed by an Orchards member to make more specific the language in regards to household pets to read as: household pets shall be properly restrained at any time they are within the Orchards; either on a leash, behind a fence or tied up if the lot/property does not have a fence
Motion to improve the language in the bylaws in regards to Animals (10.04) when The Board goes through the bylaws and improves the language and document Motion by Charlene, seconded by Philip, all in favor, motion carried.
--Yard of the Month will start again in May
-- Spring Block Party Date May 18th
--Street Sweeping-Brian estimates
--Water Meter…Email w/form
--Fire Lanes-Philip Estimates on fire lane painting
--Proposal for the Blom boys to get assigned landscaping jobs in spring as needed to cut costs such as picking up litter, weed-wacking, etc. by Philip, second by Charlene, all in favor, motion carried.
--Quarterly letter- Ashley
--Read Boards on mailbox posts proposal…plexy glass with info posted by Philip. Motion tabled for now to do more research based on concerns of vandalism.
--Rachel motioned to purchase a replacement info box, seconded by Ashley, all in favor, motion carried
End 8:04

Friday, April 5, 2019

Street Sweeper

The street sweeper will be coming thru our neighborhood starting at 7:30 am on Monday April 15th.
Please arrange to have your vehicles OFF
the street to give the sweeper the best
possible access. 
We encourage you to begin/continue your
spring cleaning by sweeping your
driveways and sidewalks right out into
the road.