Thursday, June 6, 2019

May 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting

Meeting called to order by Charlene at 7:01 pm
Treasurer Report

City of Cheney                                                            $103.28
NL&T                                                                         $1,805
Insecticide, shrub trimming, tree maintenance, spring prep (typical spring to-dos)
Spokane Striping                                                        $2,225.92

Motion to approve by Ashley, seconded by Charlene, all in favor, motion carried.

Read April meeting minutes, motion to approve minutes by Charlene, seconded by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

Old Business
--Striping went successfully! Thank you for your cooperation in keeping vehicles off the street. Some members on Facebook expressed concerns about aesthetics of the paint/ stencils. The Board asks that if any member of The Orchards have concerns or ideas regarding any business that’s discussed to please attend monthly meetings or contact The Board. We post all business to the blog, as well. Striping has been on the docket for a while so it’s important that issues members feel strongly about to bring our attention to it right away.
--Street Sweeping went successfully, as well
--Letter will be handed out early May. The letter outlines spring duties that pertain to each household and other business to keep in mind

New Business
--Yard of the Month nominations are being taken into consideration for the month of May

Motion to adjourn meeting by Charlene, seconded by Rachel, all in favor motion carried.
End: 7:25

Orchards Home Owners Association
Income and Expense Report
April 2019
Income :
Dues$ 4,232.50
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income :$ 4,232.50
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn$1,805.00
Cheney / Utilities$103.28
Lands. Maint/AAA Sweeping$657.57
Copy Junction$0.00
Total Expenses :$2,597.90
Balance in Checking as of 30 April, 2019$ 25,545.39
Balance in Savings as of 30 April 2019 (0.00 divident credit)$ 12,366.99
Balance in CDs as of 30 March 2019 (divident credit)$ 97,392.99