Wednesday, August 21, 2019

July 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Monthly Meeting
Rachel Blom
Phillip Sinelli
Ashley Watts

Called to order: 6:03 pm

Treasurer Report
Motion to approve and pay bills by Rachel, second by Ashley, all in favor, motion carried
***Income and Expenses will be uploaded once available in our drive

Read June meeting minutes, motion to approve by Rachel, second by Philip, all in favor motion carried.

--Charlene Rosenau resigned as president June 14th, 2019. Rachel Blom has stepped up as President and is covering the Vice President
--Second notices will be sent to homeowners that are not maintaining their lawn/front areas
--President, treasurer, secretary, and arc committee positions will be open for The Orchards Board for 2020 and The Board will begin reaching out early to encourage people to join. If no Orchards Homeowners step up to join, then The Board will have to hire out to an HOA agency

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm