Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
February 12, 2014

6:40 pm - Meeting Opened by Tamra Jenkins, President

Present: Tamra, Kelley, Brian, Janet, Chelsie, and Mike
Not Present/Guests:

Treasurer’s Report:

·        January Income and Expense report presented by Kelley.
o   Current checking balance of $14,065.92 (not including road reserve CD)
o   HOA dues received in February exceeded $18,000.00, totaling 72 of 104 homes
·        Orchards HOA Financial Records for 2013 audit performed by Tamra, Kelley, and Janet. Budget balanced with $0.38 discrepancy which was carried forward from last year, this was written off.
·        New bills: Neighborhood Lawn and Tree ($956.56) and City of Cheney ($77.11)
o   Mike asked for someone to get the number off the light pole at former Lopez residence on Meadow Glenn, Kelley will get it and contact City of Cheney about repairing the light.
o   Motion to pay the two invoices presented made by Tamra and seconded by Mike. Motion passed.
·        Tamra and Kelley discussed timing in checking mailbox and depositing checks.  Tamra has received several concerned inquiries regarding checks sent in the week of Jan 6 not having cleared as of the morning of this meeting.  Kelley made the deposit today.
o   Names in question referenced and the decision to make weekly deposits of HOA dues was made

Old Business
·        No ARC applications per Mike
·        Sidewalks and Trashcans:
o   Sidewalks needing clearing on Thistle Creek will be talked to in person by Tamra
o   Discussion about snow burm height in front of driveways –there is only so much that Gary can do to mitigate this and the sidewalks getting plowed on some, in order to get as much street width as we can cleared.
o   Trashcan violation letters:
§  Send to all houses in non-compliance
o   Chelsie to pick up stamps from Mailbox Center and put it on our account

New Business
·        Address reconciliation meeting needed between Kelley and Chelsie
o   Tamra proposed keeping electronic copy on Google drive, seconded by Kelley

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Tamra; seconded by Kelley. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm