Thursday, December 4, 2014

November Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
November 11, 2014

6:35 pm - Meeting Opened by Tammi
Present: Kelley Cullen, Brian Lawrence, Luke Moyer, Tammi Jenkins, and Chelsie Moyer
Guests: Janet Prendergast (maintenance team)

Treasurer’s Report:

·         September 30, 2014 ending balance: $7,790.91
·         October 31, 2014 ending balances
o   Checking: $7,257.14
o   Savings:$22,286.08
o   CD: $33,370.01
·         October income total: $650
o   Dues: $450
o   Late Charges: $200
·         October expenses total: $1,183.77
o   Utilities: $140.90
o   Grounds/Plowing: $1,033.74 (NLT & Dew Drop
o   Office Supplies: $9.13
·         Tammi motions to pay bills. Brian seconds. None opposed

Old Business
·         Winter service agreement completed with Neighborhood Lawn & Tree Care
o   Kelley provided samples of bills over the past several winters. Janet confirmed prices per board history. Plow service charge to remain at $350 (2014 level)
o   Brian, Chelsie, and Tammi voted to abstain from de-icing treatments except around mailboxes. Janet concurs
o   Tammi inquired into Arbor Pro as a service provider for price comparison. They do not have the sensors to avoid speed bumps. Will proceed with NLT
·         HOA renewal for non-profit dues to be paid in Oct. Kelley paid

·         Janet suggests purchasing a pre-paid credit card for small HOA purchases. To be reviewed in spring 2015 when yards come back to life

New Business
·         Discuss By-Law alteration regarding vehicle storage/repair work safety
o   Unsecured vehicles on jacks and/or without tire blocks pose hazard.
o   HOA member who notices compliance violation will alert another member for review and vote before sending violation letters
·         Home-run business in violation with City of Cheney municipal code. Tenants and pets per household subject to HOA and City of Cheney regulations
o   Board discussed enforcement when violation is not disturbing neighborhood. Board agrees to handle on a case-by-case basis
·         HOA address/phone/email list comparison
o   Kelley, Janet, and Chelsie to send Tammi their lists
·         Welcome letters to new homeowners
o   Chelsie to send welcome letter:
§  3310 MGL w/ARC explanation – Bryce Currie
§  3214 TCL – Sean & Deanna Landon
§  122 WOL -- no names yet
·         Reminder/violation letters to be reviewed for homes on Pinecrest Lane and others
o   Tammi/Chelsie/Janet to gather list
·         Discussion of payment of back dues

·         Annual meeting planning
o   Meeting to be held January 17, 2015. Letter to be out by Dec 9, 2014. Meeting to be held at library at 11:00 a.m.
o   Chelsie to check envelope supply and order as necessary w/copy junction
§  *Must be mailed out in hard copy
o   Kelly to prepare annual income/expense statement for meeting

Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.
Next meeting is Dec. 2nd at 6:30 pm.