Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Newsletter

                                                         SPRING NEWSLETTER
                                                                 March 31, 2015
Since the weather is deciding, day-by-day, what sort of Spring/Summer we are in for here in Cheney it seems time to put out a Spring Newsletter and add some reminders.

     As promised at the Annual Meeting in January, the Board discussed a portion of the money that was not used for plowing to be ear-marked for the larger repairs or improvements that have been on people’s minds the last few years.

     A main item has been the replacement of the common area wooden fence. Thankfully, we had a homeowner at the meeting this month that informed us that misinformation had been being put out that the HOA takes care of and will replace that old wooden fencing that the builder put up initially. This is incorrect. The common areas are maintained by the HOA as a group. The fence bordering each individual’s property is theirs and must be maintained privately. While we were sorry to disappoint those few remaining homes that had been misinformed, there is a possibility that when the common fence is bid and replaced, if the homeowner’s decide to “piggyback” on that contract, they could save some money. The bids are being solicited now and there will be an update on the blog as we go along.

    At the meeting, it was proposed and accepted that $5,000 be budgeted, annually and conditionally, in improvement funds. This money would be contingent upon the base operating budget, most heavily affected by snowfall and plowing, and any issues with roads or saving for the road repairs.
We would like your productive feedback on things that you feel may need repair or improvement in the neighborhood. For instance, we intend to repaint the corners of the curbs and the mailboxes (the USPS’s job, but we've asked for years and they won’t do it).
Please respond with any ideas to

     Also present at the March meeting were the Anderson’s, who are part-owners of the Holiday Inn Express. They are moving into a Westward expansion in their property and it carries with it some proposed changes to our entry from Betz Road. The main points are listed below:

(1)They need to make a swale along the area where the current fence and tree line are on Silverthorn’s East side.
(2) They would not be moving the mailboxes, nor affecting the sidewalk/roadway. They do propose removing the trees and the fence (which they put in anyway and is in disrepair) and have offered to put up a new fence and whatever we want for landscaping that will stay out of the power lines above. (3) I have attached the plat drawings for both properties, for anyone who has an interest in such things.
If you have questions or concerns, please email and we will do our best to get them resolved.
It is not a “done deal”, as yet, but timing is crucial, so please be proactive and write quickly with any comments. You are, of course, also free to speak with the Anderson’s and the city concerning the proposed project.

     As with every spring, please please please be responsible for your yard’s weeds, especially the things that spread to your neighbor’s yards, like Dandelions.

     It is possible that the City will be asking everyone to ration water with the dry winter. Please watch for any announcements and be faithful to follow them. Also, please make sure that your water is not “watering the street”, as this increases wear and tear on the roads and wastes water outright.

     That being said, we will be resuming the Yard of the Month award beginning with May, and anyone can nominate a yard they feel is well-kept and nice-looking. It doesn’t have to be “fancy”! We have some folks that are extremely faithful in the upkeep of their homes/yards and they deserve recognition.
     Speaking of yards and care taken… please remind your kids that everyone’s yard is private property in the sense of being
played and/or walked in or on, and especially with regard to behavior that they might not see as damaging or stealing… like grabbing up handfuls of decorative rock (that we all know is expensive) and scattering it in the streets, on the sidewalks. Etc.
Or playing a ball game that involves hitting toward someone’s garage door, or into their landscaping. We have a HUGE park on 6th for these sorts of things, so it’s not like there are no options. Let’s help them understand what it means to be a good neighbor!

     Included below are some reminders of the City codes and ordinances regarding noise, parking and numbers of people living in the homes within an R-1 development.

I’ve also included the fine schedule, which would follow an unheeded reminder or two.
Usually, the fine is removed upon compliance, however, please note that if a violation is repetitious and compliance is only achieved after numerous contacts, the fine will not be lifted. The idea being, it’s no one’s idea of fun to spend their discretionary time having to repeatedly contact a neighbor that knows what the rule is and yet refuses, for whatever reason, to honor it. A good example is the basketball hoops. They are really not to be on the sidewalks, period. However, IF you do
move it while actively playing, then it MUST be moved back off the sidewalk immediately. Sidewalks are for people to walk on, children, strollers, etc. that should not be forced into the roadway to accommodate such things.

     In accordance to Article III, 3.12 (4) and the State of Washington RCW 64.38.020 (11) the following is the fine
schedule for violations of the Covenants, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations for the Orchards: Revision 2/5-4-2007.
Property: including but not limited to unkempt landscape, lawn maintenance, junk or garbage in front yard or visible from the street (not screened with properly approved fence) -- $50 per week until resolved.
Fences and Outbuildings: including but not limited to damage to the common area fencing, private fences in disrepair, fences or outbuildings not approved by the ARC committee -- $50 each violation per month until remedied.
Parking/Vehicle Restrictions: including but not limited to: blocking the sidewalks, impeding the passing of an emergency vehicle, blocking another’s driveway, parking too close to a stop sign or intersection (curbs are marked with red paint) or parking in the front yard of a property -- $50 each vehicle per occurrence.
Animal Restrictions/Control: Primary response for animal issues in Cheney is S.C.R.A.P.S. No action will be taken by the Board unless that agency is proven to be consistently, unreasonably  unresponsive.
Trash: including but not limited to cans being left out past the day of collection, trash in cans not being properly lidded so that the trash blows into other’s yards or the common areas of the neighborhood,  trash dump in swales (including grass clippings that someone dumps. -- $50 per occurrence, per month until remedied.
Drainage Swale Maintenance: including but not limited to failing to plant the swales in grass and keep them trimmed and weed free, failing to make sure the flow of drainage water is not impeded, homeowners may not fill in any drainage area or degrade the swale in any way -- $50 per occurrence, per month until remedied plus cost of restoring swale to its correct state.