Thursday, April 9, 2015

April Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
April 07, 2015
6:40 pm - Meeting Opened by Tammi Jenkins, President.
Present: Tammi Jenkins, Luke Moyer, Chelsie Moyer, and Kelley Cullen.
Not Present: Brian Lawrence.
Maintenance Committee: Janet Prendergast.
Guests: Robin Stark
Guest homeowner presentation:
 Homeowner Robin presents ARC application regarding shed to be installed on property. [Sheds must be installed 3’ from all property lines]. Homeowner has secured permit and ARC review.
o Luke grants ARC approval after review of applicable documents
o Luke grants ARC approval for fencing proposed by homeowner Jesse Crabbe
Treasurer’s Report prepared by Kelley
 February 28, 2015 ending balance: $31,812.04
 March 31, 2015 ending balances:
o Checking: $31,945.88
o Savings: $12,302.75
o CD: $43,508.29
 March Income: $1,300
 March Expenses: $1,166.16
o Utilities: $94.67 (City of Cheney)
o Office Supplies: $12.37 (Copy Junction)
o Insurance: $956.00 (Philadelphia Insurance)
 Dues as of March 31, 2015: $1,300.00
o Kelley informs that one homeowner’s check bounced. Kelley to assess late fees.
o 11 homes out of compliance. Kelley to assign fees.
o Kelley to send letter notices to homeowners who are out of compliance. Homes with late dues to be sent to collections in April.
o Review of duplicate payments question posed by Dawn Zoesch of Moland. Kelley returned her question and the duplicate check was sent back. Kelley to call Dawn and confirm her receipt of the returned check and that it has not been cashed.
 Kelley moved $10,000 from checking into the road fund (CD fund) per March meeting decision.
 Motion to approve monthly expenses made by Tammi; seconded by Luke
 Kelley performed full audit. She reviewed inflows, outflows, and deposits/invoices. Kelley to ensure all invoice/deposit copies are appropriately stored/filed. Janet suggests presenting cash flow as percentages of total expenditures to review at annual HOA meetings.
o Kelley to present completed file package to Tammi at the May meeting. The audit review will be scheduled at that time.
Old Business
o Fencing bids procured by Janet. Two bids have been secured. Third bid to be procured in compliance with HOA rules. Janet to contact best bid option to review material quality.
 Reports from different “spotters” for reminders
o Kelley to review and send fines as needed
 Board to review curb painting as weather allows later in Spring.
o Mr. Smith has volunteered to paint curbs. Board to provide supplies.
 Spring letter included in letter for homeowners regarding Holiday Inn propositions.
o No homeowner response as of April 7, 2015.
 Fines to be distributed by Kelley as needed. Chelsie to inform.
 Board members to bring ideas for maintenance issues/improvement ideas to May meeting.
New Business
 Tammi to contact Holiday Inn (Andersons) regarding a written letter of agreement to items discussed at the last meeting
 Tammi to contact Neighborhood Lawn and Tree regarding sign that was knocked out of concrete. Janet to look at ordering signs for fire lanes as needed.
 Board to propose maintenance “wish-list” and review at the next meeting
o Tammi suggests bringing swales up to CC&R codes and potentially seeding with
Buffalo grass
 Luke/Tammi to contact city regarding collars for water main. Janet says there is no charge.
 May meeting scheduled for May 12, 2015.
Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm