Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 2015 HOA Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2015 HOA Meeting Minutes

The Meeting was called to order at 7: 05 PM by President, Tammi Jenkins.

Board Members Present: Brian Lawrence, Vice President; Kelley Cullen, Treasurer

Homeowners: Janet Prendergast, Maintenance Advisor

Board Members Absent: Chelsie and Luke Moyer, Secretary and ARC Liaison

Financial Reports:

  •          May 31, 2015 Ending Balance 30, 512. 02
  •          Income 1350.00
  •          Expenses 5020.66
  •          Balance in Checking as of June 30, 2015  26, 844.36
  •          Balance in Savings as of May 31, 2015  12, 302.75
  •          Balance CD 43,579.11
  •          Monthly bills, $148.31 Utilities, Neighborhood Lawn & Tree $396.00

  • Old Business
  •          Collections on overdue dues.  Entered pre-collections with 10, down to 4. Received a bill for $14, Motion to pay this administrative cost by Tammi, 2nd Brian, motion carried.
  •          Tammi ordered the Fire Lane stencil, cost $47 , will get paint once it arrives and do the fire lane side to see how well it helps with the parking issue.
  •          Lawyer consultation regarding the hotel project.  Lawyer contacted, waiting for response.
  •          Fence Summary: Fence completed, paid.
  •          Water Inlet: Tammi contacted the city regarding whether they will help pull it back into place-however-discussion pointed out that it is not a trip hazard as it is.

New Business:

  •          Contact lists, Excel version not compatible: Tammi looking into rolling back her system or find another program to use for HOA that would be more stable.
  •          Water/Other Yard Compliance:  Most people seem to be attempting on at least some issues to help conserve water with the city’s suggestions. Discussion: Although some yards seem to be overdoing it and letting the grass go beyond the point of rehabilitation, we are agreed not to address that issue alone  while the weather is so hot and the water is a problem We will, however, be enforcing the rules regarding weeds, and fire hazards.
  •          Interim Secretary and ARC Liaison:  Chelsie and Luke are going to be moving. Discussion regarding suggestions for Interim replacements. Those suggestions will be followed up and hopefully replacements will be settled by the next scheduled meeting.
  •          Trimming trees on Silverthorn. It was brought up that the branches are a bit low for the joggers. Janet will trim them up.

Reminder, meeting are now at 7PM, not 6:30PM, unless otherwise scheduled.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM by President, Tammi Jenkins.