Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 2015 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
   Board Meeting September 8, 2015

Present:  Tammi Jenkins, Kelley Cullen, Brian Lawrence, and interim secretary, Janet Prendergast
Guest: Cassie Day

Treasurer’s Report:  We had income of $700.00 and expenses of $730.33.  We currently have $27,010.92 in our checking, $12,307.60 in savings, and $43,689.05 in our Certificate of Deposit.  Kelley said that the CD would be maturing on September 24th, and we need to decide whether to put it in to another certificate for 36 months.  Janet said that she had just looked at rates at STCU and there is one for 36 months at 1.15%.  Brian asked her to check interest rates at Banner Bank.  New Bills are $149.85 from City of Cheney, $222.00 from Neighborhood Lawn and Tree, property taxes of $103.13. It was moved and seconded that we pay these bills; unanimously passed. Janet reminded Kelley that the payment to the Washington State Secretary for renewal of our nonprofit status is due in October.
               Kelly said that she has not received the payment from the title company on property at 3204/3206 Meadow Glen Lane.
               There are just three households delinquent now, 
               She was asked if she had seen an invoice from Automated Accounts yet and said “no, but that she would call them and follow up on that”.

Old Business:      Fire Lane Stencil:  Tammi has not tried doing any of the stencils yet, but suggested a couple of new things to try.  Proposed by-law amendment:  Tammi handed out the wording for the by-law amendment for the Board to read.  Kelley had some changes, but the motion was made to accept the amendment.  It was seconded and unanimously approved. The amendment will be sent out with the letter notifying homeowners of the annual meeting in January and will be presented for approval at that time.  Dead trees removed on September 1stThe dead tree in Robinson’s backyard turned out to be four trees taken out.  The one dead tree in Voegtle’s backyard has not been taken out although Janet did call Specialty Management and talk with Terry Gingrich about it.  He said he would take care of it, but nothing has been done.  Janet will send a follow-up letter to the owner.
New Business:   Request to change HOA meeting night:  Discussed that we change the meeting night to second Mondays at 7pm.  Next meeting will be October 12th.  Request from First American Title:  We got an email with form to fill out for closure on sale of property at 3215 Meadow Glen Lane.  Janet volunteered to fill out the paperwork, have Tammi sign and the fax it off to the title company.  Sprinkler Blowout:  Four homeowners have said they would be interested in having their sprinklers blown out.  Not all have paid to date, but Janet will call on the 18th and schedule those who have, and also the blow out of the HOA Park.   Appointment of Interim Secretary and Treasurer:   Since Chelsie has had to resign from the secretarial position, Jane Button has agreed to serve in that capacity to the end of the year.  Kelley has had to resign from her position as Treasurer also, and Cassie Day has agreed to serve the rest of her term, and if they wish, they will be presented to the homeowners at the annual meeting and can be elected to those positions for the next year.  It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved by the Board that they be appointed to the position of secretary and treasurer.  The Board thanked them for volunteering to fill these positions.

Next Board meeting will be October 12th at 7pm.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 pm.