Sunday, December 6, 2015

November 2015 Meeting Minutes

Orchards Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM
 Attending: Tammi Jenkins, Brian Lawrence, Cassie Day, Jane Button,
 Guest: Janet Prendergast

  •  Cassie presented the financial report as of October 31, 2015. The Association has $26,878.56 in checking, $12,312.25 in savings, and $43,768.75 in a CD.

  •  Bills presented for payment included City of Cheney utilities of $150.30 and Copy Junction of $21.69.

Brian made a motion to pay these bills which was seconded by Cassie and approved. A $20 bill from
Automated Accounts was approved for payment provided the explanation upon research is understood by the treasurer. Cassie will request a list of home owners still owing Automated Accounts.

  •  The discussion was continued regarding Brian getting bids to paint the mailboxes in the spring. Janet suggested Elite Painting.
  • The snow removal bid from Neighborhood Lawn and Tree was discussed. The board accepted the bid.
  •  The annual meeting will be held on Jan 9 at 11:00 AM at the Cheney Library. Cassie indicated that the year-end financials will be presented at the meeting.
  •  Tammi, Brian, and Cassie all indicated they plan to continue their terms on the board next year.
  • The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM
  •  No meeting in December, unless deemed necessary, Cassie will email out the monthly bills and they can be voted on that way and then signed by Tammi.