Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April Meeting Minutes

April Minutes
The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
April 11th, 2016

The Meeting was called to order by President, Tammi Jenkins at 7:05pm.

In attendance of this meeting was President, Tammi Jenkins, Treasurer, Carl Meyerhofer, Secretary, Cassandra Day and ARC Liaison, Rachel Blom. Absent: Brian Lawrence, Vice-President.

Treasurer’s Report:
· Carl presented the Income and Expense Report for March
· Carl presented the proposed bills for April 2016. They were as follows – City of Cheney:
$104.28, Liability/Property Insurance: $1057.00, Copy Junction: 146.65, New Signs: $185.41.
Tammi moved we pay the bills, Cassie seconded, unanimously carried.

Other Financial:
• The taxes were completed by Carl Meyerhofer and Cassandra Day on March 17th.

• Carl went over how many homes are still owing dues – there are a total of 9 homes that
have unpaid dues, 4 of which have made partial payments. Carl will send out invoices
advising them we are sending them to collections this month.

Old Business:
· New fire lane signs were put up in March.

· The buffalo grass is still sprouting and seems to be doing well.

· We discussed having the streets and inlets swept. Tammi moved that we get bids for this
as well as having the speed bumps repainted. Cassie seconded, unanimously carried.

New Business:

• Fire lanes will be painted by Tammi this month.

• Need to get new gravel next to mailboxes – Tammi will get bids this month for the cost
from Dow Landscaping and Key Rock.

• Discussed common areas at the entrance by Betz road – there are a lot of noxious
weeds. We need to spray for weeds and notify city of the Knapweed that is being
untended by homeowners there if it is not cleared up.

Tammi moved to adjourn meeting at 7:47pm. Cassie seconded, carried unanimously.