Thursday, December 28, 2017

December Meeting Minutes + Annual Meeting Details

The Orchards Home Owner’s Association Meeting
December 12/11/17
Start: 7 pm
            Meeting called to order by Tom.
Tom Neubauer
Janet Prendergast
Ashley Watts (Previously Ashley Smith...Name change due to marriage)

Old Business
One person has been sent to collections for past dues.

New Business
The Board is reading through the Bylaws, making notes for changes to be made and will bring some issues to the floor for the Annual Meeting. 

Annual Meeting will take place January 6th, 2017 11 am to 12 pm at the Cheney Library Meeting room. Please email any questions or concerns or present them at the meeting. Also, be prepared to vote new board members into open positions. 

Cheney/Utilities                                              $103.28
Auto Rain
Other CD at STCU                                        
Copy Junction                                                 $8.25
Total                                                                $111.53
Motion to approve expenses by Janet, seconded by Ashley.

Balance in CD as of Dec. 11th, 2017              $10,420.62
Balance in Savings as of                                 $12,339.23
Nov. 30th, 2017 (0.00 divident credit)
Balance in CDs as of                                      $79,914.56
Nov. 30th, 2017 (divident credit)                   
Motion to approve balances by Tom, seconded by Janet.

Motion to end meeting by Ashley, seconded by Janet.