Tuesday, November 12, 2019

October 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA
Monthly Meeting


Rachel Blom
Ashley Watts
Phillip Sinelli
Brian Crow
Bill Healy

Called to Order: 6 pm

Approve old meeting minutes

Treasurer Report
Dues/Income                           $122.50
City of Cheney                        $445.47
Auto Rain                                $79.44
Maintenance                            $400.00

Motion to approve bills by Rachel, second by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

Read August and September minutes, motion to approve by Ashley, second by Rachel, all in favor, motion carried.

Old Business
--Water shut off & Auto Rain sprinkler blow out both taken care of
--Dead trees and trees growing up and into fences from property next to railroad tracks: Railroad never responded to Rachel’s formal written complaint and phone calls

New Business
--Replace stop sign (Meadowglenn + Paradise). Blom family will likely do the grunt work & look into the regulations required to put it in. City of Cheney guy will call and go over details

--Looking at moving funds from CD to savings to put towards improvement projects. Adding trees, maintenance, etc.

--Storm Drains: Discussed the possibility of adding markers so that the plow team does not pile snow on top of them. Philip will get estimates on cost and application

Meeting adjourned: 6:23 pm

September 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA
August 13, 2019

Members Present
Rachel Blom
Ashley Watts
Brian Crow

Called to order 6:00pm

Read and approved July meeting minutes, approved by Rachel, second by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

Treasurer Report
Motion to approve
Income $175
Expenses         Auto Rain                    $81.68 (backflow)
                        NLT                            $435.60 (mowing, weed & feed)
                        City of Cheney            $287.79 (watering, etc.)
Motion to approve by Ashley, second by Rachel, all in favor, motion carried.

--A post was made to The Orchards FB group about opening positions. The board will also send out a fall letter with the same information

--No new business until the following meeting where the board will go over shutting off water, the fall letter, etc.

Meeting adjourned 6:15

August 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA
August 13, 2019

Members Present
Rachel Blom
Ashley Watts
Brian Crow

Called to order 6:00pm

Read and approved July meeting minutes, approved by Rachel, second by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

Treasurer Report
Motion to approve
Income $175
Expenses         Auto Rain                    $81.68 (backflow)
                        NLT                            $435.60 (mowing, weed & feed)
                        City of Cheney            $287.79 (watering, etc.)
Motion to approve by Ashley, second by Rachel, all in favor, motion carried.

--A post was made to The Orchards FB group about opening positions. The board will also send out a fall letter with the same information

--No new business until the following meeting where the board will go over shutting off water, the fall letter, etc.

Meeting adjourned 6:15

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

July 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Monthly Meeting
Rachel Blom
Phillip Sinelli
Ashley Watts

Called to order: 6:03 pm

Treasurer Report
Motion to approve and pay bills by Rachel, second by Ashley, all in favor, motion carried
***Income and Expenses will be uploaded once available in our drive

Read June meeting minutes, motion to approve by Rachel, second by Philip, all in favor motion carried.

--Charlene Rosenau resigned as president June 14th, 2019. Rachel Blom has stepped up as President and is covering the Vice President
--Second notices will be sent to homeowners that are not maintaining their lawn/front areas
--President, treasurer, secretary, and arc committee positions will be open for The Orchards Board for 2020 and The Board will begin reaching out early to encourage people to join. If no Orchards Homeowners step up to join, then The Board will have to hire out to an HOA agency

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm

Friday, July 12, 2019

June 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Monthly Meeting June 2019

Brian Crow
Rachel Blom
Phillip Sinelli 

Called to order 6 pm

Treasurer Report
Motion to pay by Phillip, second Rachel, all in favor, motion passed. 

--Brian will take care of back flow appointment and Auto Rain will inspect the sprinkler system to ensure removed bushes were not getting watered. 
--Homeless woman sleeping behind bushes behind the Silverthorn Mailbox was arrested for drugs and should no longer be a disturbance
--Homeowners need to be encouraged to take action and call police when incidence like the homeless woman are seen
--Blom boys will continue to be hired and paid for various jobs in the neighborhood

Motion to end meeting at 6:20 pm by Rachel, Phillip second, all in favor, motion carried. 

Orchards Home Owners Association
Income and Expense Report
May 2019
Income :
Dues$ 735.00
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income :$ 735.00
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn$364.49
Cheney / Utilities$103.28
Land Maintenance $295.00
Copy Junction$0.00
Total Expenses :$762.77
Balance in Checking as of 31 May, 2019$ 22,158.18
Balance in Savings as of 31 May 2019 (0.00 divident credit)$ 12,366.99
Balance in CDs as of 30 April 2019 (divident credit)$ 97,550.81

Thursday, June 6, 2019

May 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting

Meeting called to order by Charlene at 7:01 pm
Treasurer Report

City of Cheney                                                            $103.28
NL&T                                                                         $1,805
Insecticide, shrub trimming, tree maintenance, spring prep (typical spring to-dos)
Spokane Striping                                                        $2,225.92

Motion to approve by Ashley, seconded by Charlene, all in favor, motion carried.

Read April meeting minutes, motion to approve minutes by Charlene, seconded by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

Old Business
--Striping went successfully! Thank you for your cooperation in keeping vehicles off the street. Some members on Facebook expressed concerns about aesthetics of the paint/ stencils. The Board asks that if any member of The Orchards have concerns or ideas regarding any business that’s discussed to please attend monthly meetings or contact The Board. We post all business to the blog, as well. Striping has been on the docket for a while so it’s important that issues members feel strongly about to bring our attention to it right away.
--Street Sweeping went successfully, as well
--Letter will be handed out early May. The letter outlines spring duties that pertain to each household and other business to keep in mind

New Business
--Yard of the Month nominations are being taken into consideration for the month of May

Motion to adjourn meeting by Charlene, seconded by Rachel, all in favor motion carried.
End: 7:25

Orchards Home Owners Association
Income and Expense Report
April 2019
Income :
Dues$ 4,232.50
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income :$ 4,232.50
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn$1,805.00
Cheney / Utilities$103.28
Lands. Maint/AAA Sweeping$657.57
Copy Junction$0.00
Total Expenses :$2,597.90
Balance in Checking as of 30 April, 2019$ 25,545.39
Balance in Savings as of 30 April 2019 (0.00 divident credit)$ 12,366.99
Balance in CDs as of 30 March 2019 (divident credit)$ 97,392.99

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Happy Spring Orchards Members! 

We hope you are having a nice start to your spring after such a long winter. You will notice some
“spring cleaning” of our own in the neighborhood including fire lane painting, street sweeping, and
removal of dead/dying bushes at the Silverthorn entrance. Thank you for your cooperation by getting
cars off the road and being patient while work was being done. It was greatly appreciated!

The Board would like to take the time to remind Orchards members about important spring related
duties per household. 
*Yard of the Month will begin again in May! Nominate a yard you feel is well-kept and nice-looking.
It doesn’t have to be “fancy”.  Please note that if we get put on water restrictions that YOTM will be put
on hold as in past years
*Please take note of the NO PARKING signs and street labeling in addition to the red stripes
throughout The Orchards to avoid being ticketed or towed. As a reminder, one side of every street and
all 3 cul-de-sacs in our neighborhood are fire lanes.
*As per the bylaws, garbage cans need to be placed in front of the curb to keep the sidewalks clear. 
Within 24 hrs of garbage cans being picked up, they are to be put on the garage side of your home or out
of site.
*As per the bylaws, all grass must be mowed/maintained weekly.  Weeds must be mowed down when
they get 4” high so that they do not bloom or produce seeds. This applies to all yards, beds and gravel
areas on the lot.  Weeds in sidewalk cracks should also be removed.
*As per a recent bylaws amendment, dogs (and any other walkable animal) must be restrained on a
leash when being walked or behind fencing. We have had a lot of dogs wandering the neighborhood so
please be vigilant. Picking up after your furry friends would be helpful as well. 
*Guest parking in the overflow parking area is limited to 72-hours.
*The speed limit is 20 MPH in our neighborhood.  Please slow down and watch for children playing.

As always, thank you for your cooperation. The goal of The Board is to maintain a neighborhood that is
peaceful, appealing to future buyers, and safe!
Call or email with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Please also join our Facebook group to stay up to date on monthly meetings and other neighborhood
events. Search “The Orchards Homeowners Association” and click join to be added. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

April 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting 4/8/19
Charlene Rosenau
Rachel Blom
Brian Crow
Ashley Watts
Harry Batty

Called to order 7:08 pm

Treasurer Report
City of Cheney $103.28

NL&T $2,252.16
Snow blowing/sidewalks
Motion to approve expenses by Charlene, seconded by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

---14 dues payments have been received

Old Business
--Concerns were brought up by The Board about the Block Party set for May 18th. Due to time constraints, Charlene motioned to cancel the block party, seconded by Harry, all in favor, motion carried.
--Harry suggested if we did do a block party that we do it early fall and also consider raising money for a charity of some sort to have more incentive and purpose for hosting the gathering
--The Board was considering hiring another company for neighborhood maintenance, snow plowing, etc., but have elected to continue the contract with Neighborhood Lawn and Tree
--Mugo Pine removal estimates are coming in and The Board will consider offers from various companies.

New Business
--AAA Sweeping will be here April 15th, 7:30 am until the job is done. Flyers will be sent out and notices posted at both entrances
--Fire lane painting estimates are being considered to clearly mark fire lanes. No official contracts have been put into place as of yet
--The Orchards will be making a Facebook account to better run the group and keep HOA business clear
--Spring Letter details were discussed and will be sent out end of April or early May

Motion to adjourn meeting by Charlene, seconded by Brian, all in favor, motion carried.

End 8:10 pm

Orchards Home Owners Association
Income and Expense Report
March 2019
Income :
Dues$ 2,300.00
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income :$ 2,300.00
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn$2,252.16
Cheney / Utilities$103.28
Lands. Maint.$75.00
Copy Junction$0.00
Total Expenses :$2,430.44
Balance in Checking as of 29 March, 2019$ 25,545.39
Balance in Savings as of 30 March 2019 (0.00 divident credit)$ 12,366.99
Balance in CDs as of 30 March 2019 (divident credit)$ 97,240.51