Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We received our first snow of the season this past weekend. Then we were hit with a second storm all day today. We have noticed more people out and about shoveling their sidewalks and we appreciate that! Please remember that you are responsible for shoveling after 2 inches. Please keep you sidewalks clear so our school kids can have a safe place to walk on their way to the bus. Also try to keep from parking cars on the curb so our snow plow can be more effective.

One of our residents has the contract for our roads and common area sidewalks. Gary Grimmett and his son Andrew are doing a great job keeping our roads drivable! Thanks fellas!!! They are also available to sidewalks, so if you are unable to clear your sidewalks, give them a call.

Gary & Andrew Grimmett 235-2495

Thank you!

The HOA board