Monday, February 16, 2009

February Meeting Minutes

Meeting Began: 6:15pm

Present: Keith Klauss, Jane Button, Stan Walker, Travis Denton, and Kim Best

Action items:

Welcomed Stan to committee gave him by-laws

Good Guys Towing – Keith is calling about towing for neighborhood without paying to have vehicles towed.

Floodlights for Jim and Alice on their driveway: Stan will follow up with them

“The Park” – Kim will check up on the park and see who paid what, check with the city??? Contact Trish about previous action taken for the park

Budget Report as of Feb 11th: Read and approved

Read Minutes and Approved

Read by-laws about who has to fix fence. Not sure who is responsible as by –laws don’t say. What about repairing fence and it looks different than other areas of the neighborhood??

Talk about Janet getting a lawyer about people not obeying by-laws and amendments. Write Janet a letter of intent and guidelines. Moved to request Janet to contact lawyer. Travis will draft a letter and send us a copy.

Discussion Items:

Will discuss fence issue when one comes about

Improvements done on Silverthorn, get scheduled when weather is nice. ASAP. Get estimates soon.

Get a quote on fabricating the drainage into the swales

Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 pm