Saturday, June 16, 2012

June Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Board Meeting
June 04, 2012

7:00 pm   Meeting Opened by Corey Bennett

            Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey, Erika Klauss, Janet Prendergast and Heather Woller.  Guests Mike Dempsey, Steve Smith, Tammy Anderson, Kelly Cullen, Travis Denton, Chad and Amy Heer, Melinda Bennett, Keith Klauss and Officer Rick Bectel from the City of Cheney Police Department.

            Secretary’s Minutes:  The Secretary was asked to summarize the minutes of the May 07th meeting.  It was then moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as read and unanimously approved.

            Treasurer’s Report: Erika Klauss
·         Received $650 in dues and deposited the $5,000 check from Road Repair Fund to checking.
·         Income/Expense Report for May 1 to May 31, 2012. Balance on hand May 31th is $30,577.89.

Bills to be paid: 
*         City of Cheney                             $   98.52
      Neighborhood Lawn and Tree        592.42
*   Dew Drop Sprinklers                      197.34
*   Dew Drop Sprinklers                        83.43
*   Moran Fence                               2,853.48

Total                  $ 3,825.19
It was moved and seconded that we pay these bill, the motion was unanimously passed.

            Status on dues – Erika
There are currently three homeowners who are making dues payments as Erika bills them.  
Three homeowners have not paid and were sent to Automated Accounts for collection.  Erika has, however, had a call from Carlos Perez-Leon (3306 Meadow Glen Lane) stating that he will be sending a check for his dues.  When the check is received she will take him out of collection.

Old Business:
            The new fence has been installed in the common area at the end of Thistle Creek Lane.  The sprinkler in the park has been moved off of Mr. and Mrs. Bell’s property as requested.  Because of the request by Mr. Smith to speak to the Board, we will table the To-Do List, the repairs to the two-rail fence at the RV/Guest parking areas, and the paver that needs to be replaced in wall at Silverthorn entrance.
New Business
·         Send letter:  Jessica.  Request to send a letter out to all residents regarding the illegal use of guns in the neighborhood and City limits.
·         ARC Applications:  Two applications for fences, one from Rhianna Witmer at 3407 Meadow Glen Lane, and one from Crystal Jackson at 117 Greenbriar Lane.
·         Yard-of-the-Month:  Tamra Jenkins’ property at 3101 Thistle Creek Lane has been selected at this month’s YOTM.

7:30 pm  Open Session – Steve Smith
            Mr. Smith addressed the Board with his concerns about the problems he has been dealing with since he moved into the neighborhood.  His issues are trespassing, damage to his property, noise from parties, occupancy violations, etc.    Mr. Smith also told the Board that the Bank of America who handles 3306 MGL has asked him to convey to the Board there concerns about trespassing and damage to their property which is up for sale.
            The parents of all the children who Mr. Smith has been complaining about were in attendance at this meeting to discuss his concerns with him.  He feels that the children are still coming too near his property and being disrespectful.  All of the parents assured him that their children have been told not to approach him or his property.  He said that they were still playing in the woods behind his home; the parents told him that they were playing farther down from his house with the permission of the residents of the home owning that property.  He complained about two boys with air guns, and that issue will be addressed to all the residents as noted under New Business.  Mr. Smith requested letters be sent out to the children, but since the parents were all present the Board felt that that would be redundant. 
            He said that the children have been throwing rocks in his yard.  The parents present reassured him that their children have been told not to go near his property. 
            He mentioned the college parties disturbing him and that he has been calling the police on them and also code enforcement for violations of number of occupants in a home.
            He is worried about the woods and parties going on in them and the possibility of fires.
            At 8:22 Corey Bennett, President of the HOA, called and end to the meeting, but we were joined by Officer Rick Bectel.  Officer Bectel reiterated that children can play in our streets; there is no law against it.  Parking on the sidewalk cannot be enforced by the police; the HOA has to address that.  The police department has been patrolling the Orchards twice a night and issuing tickets to cars parked in the No Parking Fire Lanes.
            The meeting was again adjourned at 8:50 pm.

            There will be no Board meeting in July.


May Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Board Meeting
May 07, 2012

6:30 pm   Meeting Opened by Corey Bennett

            Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey, Erika Klauss, Janet Prendergast and Heather Woller.  Guest Mike Dempsey also attended.

            Open Session:   Steve Smith had requested that we give him time in open session to reiterate his complaints with the neighborhood.  He had requested time the previous month and had not been able to attend because of health.  He did not attend this meeting either. The Board will send him a letter.

            Secretary asked if the Board wanted the minutes of the previous meeting, April 11, 2012 read.
They did not, so Jessica moved and it was seconded by Corey that we approve the minutes as written; the motion passed unanimously.  

            Treasurer’s Report: Erika Klauss
·         Income/Expense Report for April 1 to April 30, 2012. Balance on hand April 30th is $34,063.20.

Bills to be paid: 
*        City of Cheney                            $  82.11
*        Neighborhood Lawn and Tree      543.50
*     Half-Moon Construction             5340.43
*     Specialty Asphalt                          271.75
*        National Barricade                       126.77
Total                $ 6364.56

                        Discussion followed on taking $5,000 out of savings at STCU (Road Repair Fund) to reimburse the General Fund for the cost to Half-Moon Construction for the installation of the storm drain on Silverthorn and Meadow Glen.  It was moved and seconded that the construction was road repair and should be paid out of those funds; unanimously passed by Board.  Janet will go to STCU and get a check to the homeowner’s association for Erika to deposit in the General Fund (checking account) at Banner Bank.  It was further discussed that at the end of this fiscal year, if monies are available, we would transfer it back into savings to be invested in the certificate of deposit. 

·         Status on dues – Erika
There are currently three homeowners who are making dues payments as Erika bills them. 
Three homeowners have not paid or contacted the Treasurer, so it was moved and seconded that those three homeowners be sent to Automated Accounts for collection. 

Old Business:
·         Status on replacement or repair of common area fence along swale at the end of
Thistle Creek Lane.  At the last Board meeting, we discussed the two quotations for replacing the wooden fence with off white vinyl fencing to match the newer perimeter fence.  At that time the Board asked that Gary Grimmett contact some contractors about repairing the wooden fence and repainting it.  He got two quotations.  One was from Daughter’s Painting for $3,174 with two year warranty.  The second quote was from Northwest Fence.  Their quote appears to be for new fencing for 900 lineal feet (vs. the first two quotes of 165 lineal feet) at a cost of $32,546.78.  We feel that NW Fence misunderstood how much fence we were replacing.  The cost per lineal foot was higher than the other contractors.  After discussion, it was moved and seconded that we give the contract to Moran Fence Company.  The motion was unanimously passed.   Corey talked about offering the wooden fencing to homeowners in the neighborhood to haul away and use if they could get it done before the contractor installs the new fence.  Moran Fence has included in their quote disposal of the old wooden fence.   A letter will be sent out to the homeowners to see if anyone is interested in getting some of this fencing.

New Business
·         Send letter out to all homeowners and tenants about Spring cleanup and maintenance,
Spraying dandelions, and dead trees.   (Also about fencing being available).  Most of the letters can be walked around and put on doors; probably about 45 will need to be mailed out to absentee homeowners or property managers.

·         ARC Applications:  Only one received from Brent and May Boling.  Noted that they did
not submit it before the fence had already been constructed.  Heather says that they have one other from Gregg Bell which has been approved.

·         Yard-of-the-Month:  We will contact Steve Smith and see if he would like to be yard-
of-the-month this month.  Erika will get five $25 gift cards to cover the rest of the summer for YoftheM.

·         Secretary was asked to send a letter to Randy and Denise Reickman and ask them to talk
with their daughter about excessive speed on Meadow Glen.

            Next Board meeting will be June 4, 2012 at 6:30 pm at the Secretary’s house.

April Meeting Minutes

Minutes of April Meeting of HOA Board
April 11, 2012

Present:  Corey Bennett,  Jessica Dempsey,  Janet Prendergast, Scott Woller, and Erika Klauss.

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Secretary’s Report:  It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the March 13th meeting be accepted as written; passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:  The Income/Expense Report for February was presented.  Income of $3,850.00 from dues and expenses of $1,325.52.

Bills to be paid:   City of Cheney                          $     77.11
                                        Neighborhood Lawn and Tree $   407.63
                                       National Barricade                   $   181.91
            It was moved and seconded that we pay these bill, unanimously passed.

            Erika said that we have 6 homeowners who have not paid their dues; and two on payment plans with the HOA.    She said that the last statements she sent out had the Automated Accounts sticker on them.

            Erika had Gary Grimmett’s quotation for the summer maintenance.  We went over the contract and some items were new, some were increased by $200 over last year, and some items which were on last year’s contract were not on this quote.  We crossed some things out and added some items, Janet will call Gary and see if the amended quotation is ok with him and then get him to sign off on the changes. 

Old Business: 
            Specialty Asphalt Contract:  Jessica has been trying to get with Lisa to give her the contract and get a date for the work to be done.  Janet suggested that she put it in the mail as soon as possible with a note on it to have Lisa call with the date.  Then we need to spray paint the centers of each of the three speedbumps that we want to be center cut.
            Mr. Smith:  There has been no further communication from him since the letter the Board sent out.
            Half-Moon Construction-Drain on Meadow Glen and Silverthorn:  This work is scheduled to be done on Monday, April 16th.  A Locate was called in, and according to the city engineer, we need no permit.
            Fencing quotes for common area fence replacement with vinyl fence:  Two quotes were presented.  One from Moran Fencing for $5,353.47 and another from Thelen Fence for $4,663.23.  The Board decided that this was too high.  The wooden fence needs one 10 ft. section replaced, and then could be painted. The posts are still solid, and the other sections are in good shape.   Janet was directed to contact Gary Grimmett and ask him to give us a quote on repair and painting of the wooden fence.
            To-Do List:  Each of the Board members looked over the to-do list and prioritized the jobs to be done.  The drain on Silverthorn and Meadow Glen was No. 1, and is already scheduled for the 16th of this month.  The cut-out for the speedbumps will also be done shortly, and we are working on the repair of the common area fence in the cul de sac on Thistle creek Lane.   The remaining Repair/Maintenance items

are all of small dollar value, and Scott said he thought that we should just do them also.  That would be replacing the tree on Silverthorn, replacing the information boxes, and new gravel for the Silverthorn entrance and in the RV/Guest parking lot.  There was no motion to do these projects, but quotations will be gotten so that we know just how much we are talking about.  They can be done next month.  The improvements on the To-Do List were all way down the list for being done.
            Fire Lane Signs:  The six Fire Lane signs have been install, and Janet asked permission to order some more to replace other signs identified as being very faded.  The Board approved this motion and she will get that done.
            AAA Sweeping:  The Board decided not to have the streets swept this spring.  They aren’t too bad, and it will save us $500 to use someplace else.

New Business:
·         Erika to call the City of Cheney, Public Works Department and have the irrigation system turned on.
·         Four more Fire Lane signs.
·         Talk with Gary Grimmett about the repair and painting of the fence in the common area.
·         Pricing for the remaining repairs on the To-Do List.

            The next meeting of the Homeowner’s Board will be May 7th at 6:30 pm at Janet Prendergast’s house.