Saturday, June 16, 2012

April Meeting Minutes

Minutes of April Meeting of HOA Board
April 11, 2012

Present:  Corey Bennett,  Jessica Dempsey,  Janet Prendergast, Scott Woller, and Erika Klauss.

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Secretary’s Report:  It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the March 13th meeting be accepted as written; passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:  The Income/Expense Report for February was presented.  Income of $3,850.00 from dues and expenses of $1,325.52.

Bills to be paid:   City of Cheney                          $     77.11
                                        Neighborhood Lawn and Tree $   407.63
                                       National Barricade                   $   181.91
            It was moved and seconded that we pay these bill, unanimously passed.

            Erika said that we have 6 homeowners who have not paid their dues; and two on payment plans with the HOA.    She said that the last statements she sent out had the Automated Accounts sticker on them.

            Erika had Gary Grimmett’s quotation for the summer maintenance.  We went over the contract and some items were new, some were increased by $200 over last year, and some items which were on last year’s contract were not on this quote.  We crossed some things out and added some items, Janet will call Gary and see if the amended quotation is ok with him and then get him to sign off on the changes. 

Old Business: 
            Specialty Asphalt Contract:  Jessica has been trying to get with Lisa to give her the contract and get a date for the work to be done.  Janet suggested that she put it in the mail as soon as possible with a note on it to have Lisa call with the date.  Then we need to spray paint the centers of each of the three speedbumps that we want to be center cut.
            Mr. Smith:  There has been no further communication from him since the letter the Board sent out.
            Half-Moon Construction-Drain on Meadow Glen and Silverthorn:  This work is scheduled to be done on Monday, April 16th.  A Locate was called in, and according to the city engineer, we need no permit.
            Fencing quotes for common area fence replacement with vinyl fence:  Two quotes were presented.  One from Moran Fencing for $5,353.47 and another from Thelen Fence for $4,663.23.  The Board decided that this was too high.  The wooden fence needs one 10 ft. section replaced, and then could be painted. The posts are still solid, and the other sections are in good shape.   Janet was directed to contact Gary Grimmett and ask him to give us a quote on repair and painting of the wooden fence.
            To-Do List:  Each of the Board members looked over the to-do list and prioritized the jobs to be done.  The drain on Silverthorn and Meadow Glen was No. 1, and is already scheduled for the 16th of this month.  The cut-out for the speedbumps will also be done shortly, and we are working on the repair of the common area fence in the cul de sac on Thistle creek Lane.   The remaining Repair/Maintenance items

are all of small dollar value, and Scott said he thought that we should just do them also.  That would be replacing the tree on Silverthorn, replacing the information boxes, and new gravel for the Silverthorn entrance and in the RV/Guest parking lot.  There was no motion to do these projects, but quotations will be gotten so that we know just how much we are talking about.  They can be done next month.  The improvements on the To-Do List were all way down the list for being done.
            Fire Lane Signs:  The six Fire Lane signs have been install, and Janet asked permission to order some more to replace other signs identified as being very faded.  The Board approved this motion and she will get that done.
            AAA Sweeping:  The Board decided not to have the streets swept this spring.  They aren’t too bad, and it will save us $500 to use someplace else.

New Business:
·         Erika to call the City of Cheney, Public Works Department and have the irrigation system turned on.
·         Four more Fire Lane signs.
·         Talk with Gary Grimmett about the repair and painting of the fence in the common area.
·         Pricing for the remaining repairs on the To-Do List.

            The next meeting of the Homeowner’s Board will be May 7th at 6:30 pm at Janet Prendergast’s house.