Thursday, January 26, 2012

Annual Meeting Minutes January 2012


JANUARY 9, 2012

Present: Corey Bennett, President, Jessica Dempsey, Vice President, Janet Button, Secretary, Scott Woller, ARC Chair and Janet Prendergast, Treasurer.

Homeowners Present: Karen Schiffner and Steve Smith; Jim and Alice Calloway and Tom Lawson were present at January 34d meeting. No quorum.

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm in the Cheney Library.

Treasurer’s Report:

Presentation of Income/Expense breakdown for 2011

Presentation of Budget for 2012

Election of Board Members:

Corey Bennett will remain President for 2012, Jessica Dempsey will remain as Vice President and Scott and Heather Woller will remain as the ARC Chair.

The office of Secretary and Treasurer were open. One resume was sent in for the position of Secretary by Janet Prendergast. One resume was sent in for the position of Treasurer by Steve Smith. An interview was done with Steve, and he and Janet Prendergast agreed that at this time he does not have the skills necessary in Microsoft Word and Excel to do the Treasurer’s job. He has informed the Board that he will be taking classes so that he might volunteer at another time.

It was moved and seconded that Janet Prendergast be elected for the Secretarial position for 2012; unanimously passed.

It was moved and seconded that because we had no volunteer for Treasurer, that Treasurer and Secretary be combined; unanimously passed. (See Article IV, Officers, 4.02 of the By-Laws.)

It was moved and seconded that we outsource the functions of Treasurer to a contractor, Kate Helsing, for the first quarter of 2012 to do all functions of that job. It was unanimously passed by those present. Janet will let Kate know, and do training with her.

New Business:

A To-Do Maintenance List was passed around and the Board asked those present to offer any suggestions they might want for work to be done in 2012.

Steve Smith ad several questions which he had submitted to the Board, and those were addressed for him.

The next meeting of the Homeowner’s Board will be February 13th at 6:30 pm at Janet Prendergast’s house.