Wednesday, March 14, 2012

February Meeting Minutes


February 13, 2012

Present: Corey Bennett, President, Jessica Dempsey, Vice President, Janet Prendergast, Secretary, Heather Woller, ARC Chair and Erika Klauss.

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Secretary’s Report: It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the January 9th meeting be accepted as written; passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: The Income/Expense Report for January was presented. Income of $14,385 from dues and expenses of $221.11. The report reconciles with the check register.

Bills to be paid: City of Cheney $77.11

Neighborhood Lawn and Tree $2,728.33

Copy Junction $10.87

Spokane County Auditor-Ppty Taxes $224.24

We had one more bill from Fidelity for our General Liability Insurance. Janet, however, had re-negotiated that bill down, and the invoice did not reflect that. We will hold that check until Janet can call Fidelity and find out what happened. We will also be receiving a bill from Fidelity for our Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. Janet has two quotes out to try and get a better premium on this insurance, it was increased 12%. It was moved and seconded that if we don’t receive the quotes before February 24th, the date that the insurance needs to be paid, that the Treasurer will pay the invoice. Then if we are able to get a better pricing from one of the two that quotes were sent to, we can cancel and get a new policy with a new carrier; passed unanimously.

Erika reported that she has sent out 32 Second Dues Notices.

Old Business: None

New Business:

It was moved and seconded that Erika Klauss be appointed Treasurer for the 2012 fiscal year; unanimously passed.

Erika was asked to go to Banner Bank and get signed onto their records as the new Treasurer. Janet was directed to send a letter to Banner Bank asking them to take Jane Button off of our accounts.

Saturday night someone drove into our stop sign on Betz and Silverthorne. Corey volunteered to set a new post and put the sign back up.

The next meeting of the Homeowner’s Board will be March 13th at 6:30 pm at Janet Prendergast’s house.