Thursday, December 4, 2014

copy of Notice of Annual Meeting 2014

December 1, 2014

Dear Homeowner:

The Annual Meeting of the Orchards Homeowner’s Association will be held at the Cheney Public Library on January 17, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.

We hope to see you at the annual meeting. Before you come; here is what you need to know:

·         Annual HOA dues are due by JANUARY 31, 2015; statements will be mailed out the end of December by the Treasurer.  The dues remain at $350.00 for 2015.

·         Please shovel your sidewalks regularly so people are not forced to walk on the road. We have over 30 children who walk to the bus stop and it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that they can get all the way from their homes to the bus stop without having to walk in the street.

o   This rule applies even if you are out of town. Gary Grimmett, of Neighborhood Lawn and Tree (509-723-9670) is a good resource for sidewalk snow-blowing. 

Also, be sure to check out the BlogSpot to find out the latest information about the HOA and minutes of the Board meetings. You can also find the By-Laws, CC&Rs, names of Board members, rules, and fine schedules. Just follow this link:

Reminder: It is helpful for any and all homeowners to send the Board a current email address and phone number so that we will be able to call or send out bulk correspondence to all HOA homeowners when any news or changes arise.  This will help keep our postal costs down. Please remember to update if your information changes.

Thank you,

The 2014 Orchards Board of Directors

November Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
November 11, 2014

6:35 pm - Meeting Opened by Tammi
Present: Kelley Cullen, Brian Lawrence, Luke Moyer, Tammi Jenkins, and Chelsie Moyer
Guests: Janet Prendergast (maintenance team)

Treasurer’s Report:

·         September 30, 2014 ending balance: $7,790.91
·         October 31, 2014 ending balances
o   Checking: $7,257.14
o   Savings:$22,286.08
o   CD: $33,370.01
·         October income total: $650
o   Dues: $450
o   Late Charges: $200
·         October expenses total: $1,183.77
o   Utilities: $140.90
o   Grounds/Plowing: $1,033.74 (NLT & Dew Drop
o   Office Supplies: $9.13
·         Tammi motions to pay bills. Brian seconds. None opposed

Old Business
·         Winter service agreement completed with Neighborhood Lawn & Tree Care
o   Kelley provided samples of bills over the past several winters. Janet confirmed prices per board history. Plow service charge to remain at $350 (2014 level)
o   Brian, Chelsie, and Tammi voted to abstain from de-icing treatments except around mailboxes. Janet concurs
o   Tammi inquired into Arbor Pro as a service provider for price comparison. They do not have the sensors to avoid speed bumps. Will proceed with NLT
·         HOA renewal for non-profit dues to be paid in Oct. Kelley paid

·         Janet suggests purchasing a pre-paid credit card for small HOA purchases. To be reviewed in spring 2015 when yards come back to life

New Business
·         Discuss By-Law alteration regarding vehicle storage/repair work safety
o   Unsecured vehicles on jacks and/or without tire blocks pose hazard.
o   HOA member who notices compliance violation will alert another member for review and vote before sending violation letters
·         Home-run business in violation with City of Cheney municipal code. Tenants and pets per household subject to HOA and City of Cheney regulations
o   Board discussed enforcement when violation is not disturbing neighborhood. Board agrees to handle on a case-by-case basis
·         HOA address/phone/email list comparison
o   Kelley, Janet, and Chelsie to send Tammi their lists
·         Welcome letters to new homeowners
o   Chelsie to send welcome letter:
§  3310 MGL w/ARC explanation – Bryce Currie
§  3214 TCL – Sean & Deanna Landon
§  122 WOL -- no names yet
·         Reminder/violation letters to be reviewed for homes on Pinecrest Lane and others
o   Tammi/Chelsie/Janet to gather list
·         Discussion of payment of back dues

·         Annual meeting planning
o   Meeting to be held January 17, 2015. Letter to be out by Dec 9, 2014. Meeting to be held at library at 11:00 a.m.
o   Chelsie to check envelope supply and order as necessary w/copy junction
§  *Must be mailed out in hard copy
o   Kelly to prepare annual income/expense statement for meeting

Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.
Next meeting is Dec. 2nd at 6:30 pm.