Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2015 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
June 9, 2015

6:34 pm - Meeting opened by Tammi , President

Present: Tammi Jenkins, Luke Moyer, Chelsie Moyer, Brian Lawrence, Kelley Cullen, and Janet Prendergast, Maintenance Committee

Treasurer’s Report prepared by Kelley
·         April 30, 2015 ending balance: $31,881.06
·         May 30, 2015 ending balances:
o   Checking: $30,515.02
o   Savings: $12,302.75
o   CD: $43,579.11

·         May Income: $595
·         May Expenses: $1,961.04
o   Utilities: $94.67 (City of Cheney)
o   Grounds/Plowing: $1,160.37 (Neighborhood Lawn/Tree, AAA Sweeping)
o   Insurance: $706.00 (Philadelphia Insurance)

·         Dues collected in April as of May 31, 2015: $595.00
o   Janet contacted homes in question for late dues (10 homes) and did preliminary work with collections agencies
§  3 residences responded: Doug Smart, Walker Properties, Jeff Bethel – All checks reported as being mailed, totaling $1,050. Kelley reported that she has not yet received the check from Jeff Bethel, so we have collected only $700.

·         Motion to approve expenses made  by Tammi; seconded by Luke.   

Old Business
·         Brian performed basic tax audit review along with Kelley and Tammi on May 19th. Kelley already performed full audit.
o   Board checked 5 random bills and deposits. All bills/deposits checked out. All reconciliations checked out. Board voted to approve audit and signed off on the audit as of May 26, 2015. Brian, Tammi, and Kelley signed off.
o   Kelley is to produce percentage breakdown by category for annual meeting in January.  What percentage is spent on Maintenance, it is normally 50 to 60% of monies.  Keep it separate from $24K spent for resealing roads,  as that money wasn't from the annual income, but budgeted over the years for that purpose.  It needs to be mentioned, but not as normal annual maintenance.
·         Tammi motioned for a review of problem homes over 2015 in the winter and to send spring notices to homes that have been difficult. Issue to be presented at the annual HOA meeting and homeowners given the option to opt in or provide proof of treatment. Board to produce a quote to distribute to homeowners. Automatic treatment will fines/billing to be discussed at the annual meeting.
·         Common property fencing: review of homeowner Jesse Crabbe’s fence shows builder’s work to be satisfactory. Cost proposals reviewed (3 bids). Fence to be replaced directly.
o   Janet to contact best bid option. Total cost: $4,063.00. Includes tax, permit, and disposal of old fence. Tammi motions to approve the fence replacement. Luke seconds.
·         Repair wish list work for 2015 to include fence repair and potentially seeding swales on Meadow Glenn. Tammi proposes getting pricing on Buffalo Grass. Brian seconds.
·         Tammi to contact Neighborhood Lawn and Tree regarding sign that was knocked out of concrete. Janet to look at ordering signs for fire lanes as needed.
o   Pole was bent. Tammi attempted to fix. Patch to be filled in to hole around pole.
·         Reports from different “spotters” for reminders.
o   Kelley to review and send fines as needed. Janet to pursue collections on homes past due on fine letters.
o   Chelsie to email property managers to check on homes in the neighborhood due to dandelion issues and weed management.
·         Tammi to look at “Fire Lane” spray paint of fire lane curbs. Tammi motions to investigate options. Luke seconds. Board to provide supplies. Tammi to contact Fire Dept to see if the stencils could be borrowed. Per email Mr. Smith is no longer in condition to paint curbs. Tammi to report at next meeting.
o   Tammi and Janet painted curbs. Tammi to spray paint “Fire Lane” on fire lane streets.
·         Form compatibility. PDF posting preserves formatting better for upload and download into blogspot.
·         Janet sprayed swale inlets. Tammi to contact nurseries about tree movement.
·         Brian and/or someone else to paint the mailboxes. Brian to pursue quote from painters.
·         Kelley proposed reviewing new City of Cheney codes for bylaw adoption.

New Business:
·         Janet contacted homes in question for late dues (10 homes). Three homeowners have responded. Homeowner Dustin Flock approached Janet regarding allegedly paid dues in 2014 and a lack of statement for 2015 home dues. Pending his return of documents board will review issue.
·         Board to review procedures for dues collection (including address checking against assessor sites, phone calls, and emails)
·         Welcome letters to 126 WOL and 117 GBL (address book adjustment also)
·         Homeowner/renter approached Tammi regarding (3210 TCL) property. Board to proceed with action against property to get homeowner/renter to maintain standards for yard.
·         Fence work expected to start mid-late June. Additional $150 bracing expense voted yes by board via email. Janet to contact building to make sure he notifies authorities appropriately.
·         Water inlet concrete top area compromised. End of Meadow Glen. Tammi to call street department about fixing it.
·         Tammi spoke with homeowners regarding excessive parking on street. Homeowner to limit street parking per conversation.
·         Trailer in overflow parking area. Possibly the same trailer from outside the development last year. Tammi to collect license number and have city contact owner.
·         Next meeting July 7th at 7:00 p.m.

Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm