Tuesday, June 30, 2015

May 2015 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Meeting
May 12, 2015

7:10 pm - Meeting opened by Tammi

Present: Tammi, Luke, Chelsie, Brian, Janet, and Kelley

Treasurer’s Report prepared by Kelley
·         March 31, 2015 ending balance: $31,945.88
·         April 30, 2015 ending balances:
o   Checking: $31,881.06
o   Savings: $12,302.75
o   CD: $43,542.13

·         April Income: $220.00
·         April Expenses: $1,166.16
o   Utilities: $95.67 (City of Cheney)
o   Office Supplies: $64.24 (Copy Junction)
o   Taxes: $79.91 (IRS)
o   Safe Deposit Box: $45.00 (Banner Bank)

·         Dues as of March 31, 2015: $220.00
o   Kelley sent notices to homeowners who are out of compliance. They have until 5-14-2015 to comply or be sent to collection.  

·         Brian to perform basic tax audit review along with Kelley and Tammi,  on May 19th, at the Cullen home to spot check the full audit Kelley already performed.
·         Motion to approve expenses made by Tammi; seconded by Luke 

Old Business
·         Tammi contacted Holiday Inn (Andersons) regarding a written letter of agreement to items discussed at the March meeting. Tammi to continue requesting letter in the immediate future. Potential of work to begin in July.
·         Water turned on in the park via letter to the City of Cheney.
·         Timer reviewed, water in the park to valves on, and sprinklers checked by Tammi and Janet.

New Business
·         Tammi motions a review of problem homes regarding dandelions and send notices prior to Spring,  Discussion, the Board will produce a quote to distribute to homeowners regarding a pre-emergent lawn treatment to prevent weeds, primarily dandelions. After seeing how this goes in handling with slow-to-respond homeowners, we will revisit the idea of the letter notifying that unless proof is received that a pre-emergent has been applied, it would be done by the HOA contract and billed to the homeowner. This entire subject to be discussed at the annual meeting.
·         Common property fencing: review of homeowner Jesse Crabbe’s fence shows builder’s work to be satisfactory. Cost proposals reviewed (3 bids) show this builder to have the lowest rates. Fence to be replaced directly in line to Holiday Inn, removing the existing dog-leg.
o   Janet to contact best bid option. Total cost: $3,913.00. Includes tax, permit, and disposal of old fence. Tammi motions to approve the fence replacement. Luke seconds. Carried.
·         Repair wish list work for 2015 to include fence repair and potentially seeding the two small swales on the East side of Meadow Glen, near Greenbriar intersection. Tammi will pursue pricing on Buffalo Grass.
·         Tammi to contact Neighborhood Lawn and Tree regarding sign that was knocked out of concrete. Janet proposed they try using a concrete patch as well.
·         Reports from different “spotters” for reminders
o   Kelley to review and send fines as needed. Janet to pursue collections on homes past due on fine letters.
o   Chelsie to email property managers to check on homes in the neighborhood due to dandelion issues and weed management.
·         Tammi to look into “Fire Lane” stencil to spray paint fire lane.  During the meeting, a stencil which looks to fit the need was seen online for $40-$80. Tammi moves to approve that amount for the stencil, Luke seconds. Carried.
·         Form compatibility update. PDF posting preserves formatting better for upload and download into blogspot.
·         Janet sprayed swale inlets for weeds. Tammi to contact nurseries about possibility of them wanting the trees from the entry on Silverthorn, at their expense to remove/move.
·         Brian to pursue quote from painters to professionally repaint the mailboxes at both entries.
·         Kelley pointed out the insert in the Cheney utility bill and the codes referenced there. Discussion that we can further restrict the problem of the vehicle repairs in the driveways and streets by simply upholding the city’s code regarding the repairs being done inside a structure.
·         June meeting scheduled for June 2, 2015.

Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm