Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Income and Expense Report December 2015

The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
 Income/Expense Report
January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015
                                                                                                     Actual Expenses

Balance Brought Forward – January 1, 2015                                                                 6,267.13

·        Dues                                                    $ 35,255.00
·        Other Income                                             $ 80.00
                          Total Income             $ 35,335.00                                
  S/T        $ 41,602.13

·        Grounds                                                                               $ 5,722.69
·        Insurance                                                                            $ 1,662.00
·        Office Supplies, Postage, Printing                                        $ 477.25
·        Repairs and Maintenance                                                    $ 4076.32
·        Safe Deposit Box                                                                     $ 45.00
·        Taxes/Non-Profit Fees                                                           $ 339.56
·        Utilities                                                                                $ 1,472.77
·        Automated Accounts                                                              $ 34.00
·        Charge back Fees- Bad Checks                                           $ 1056.00                      

                                                        Total Expenses          $ 14,885.59            $ 26,716.54

Ending Checking Account Balance, December 31, 2015                                            $ 26,716.54

Ending Savings Account Balance, December 31, 2015                                              $ 12,316.91

Certificate of Deposit (Road Reserve Fund)                                                                $ 43,852.91

Net Assets, December 31, 2015                                                                                  $ 82,886.36