Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February Minutes

The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
February 8th, 2016

     The Meeting was called to order by President, Tammi Jenkins at 7:08pm. In attendance of this meeting was President, Tammi Jenkins, Vice-President, Brian Lawrence, Treasurer,  Carl Meyerhofer, Secretary,  Cassandra Day and ARC Liaison, Rachel Blom.

Treasurer’s Report:
·       Carl presented the Income and Expense Report for January.
·        Carl presented the proposed bills for Jan 2016. They were as follows – City of Cheney: $72.21, Copy Junction: $70.57, Neighborhood L & T: $1260.92 Tammi moved we pay the bills , Brian seconded, unanimously carried, with the caveat that Neighborhood Law and Tree be contacted to inquire about the dates that sidewalks were done before mailing out the check.

Old Business
·       At our previous meeting, we discussed a concern on our City of Cheney Utilities bill. It showed that we were still paying for water. Our concern was that we had a water leak. This was addressed at our meeting. After the annual meeting, Tammi contacted City of Cheney and they had not yet turned off the meter and were using the average usage to charge us. They checked the meter and it had not changed – we have no leak! Our current bill reflects that the water is off.

New Business

·        We scheduled the 2015 Audit with Carl, Cassandra and Jane Button (resident of the community) for February 25th at 7pm.
·        Completing the taxes for 2015 was also discussed, though a time as not been scheduled to complete them as of now.
·       Tammi moved that we vote to approve the purchase of Buffalo Grass seed for the swales so that we could plant it early to see how it will do this Spring and Summer and if it is a good choice for us as it is said requires minimal watering and care. Brian seconded the motion, carried unanimously.
·       The Spring letter will be sent out in early March.
·       Next month’s meeting was set for 3/14/2016 at 7PM.

Tammi moved to adjourn meeting at 7:38pm. Brian seconded, passed unanimously.