Thursday, February 9, 2017


January 14th, 2017

Annual Meeting Minutes

This meeting was called to order at 11:08am by President Tammi Jenkins.

       Brian Lawrence, current Vice President, presented the 2016 Income and Expense report and the 2017 Proposed Budget. One question asked was what percentage of the cost of caring for the grounds goes to snow removal. The board has no specific percentage but discussed splitting up the snow removal and the grounds expenses from here forward.

Tammi Jenkins, current President explained the following on snow removal:
Roads have to be cleared as emergency vehicles cannot get through if they aren't.
In October, the Board voted  to adopt the City of Cheney policy that roads will be plowed after 2+ inches of snow.
This information was posted on the blog as well as sent to everyone through the mail.
When cars get plowed in because they are not being move, emergency vehicles are unable to gain access to our roads.
Sidewalks have to be kept clear so children and people in wheelchairs can access clear sidewalks to get around safely.
The board has towed in the neighborhood twice this winter after we adopted the cities regulations of 2 inches of snow or more. We tried to contact all homeowners but it posed a safety hazard to have them plowed in.
It was agreed that those who are unwilling to shovel their sidewalks will be fined and, if necessary, will be done done by Neighborhood Lawn and Tree and this will be billed to the homeowner directly as it is in non-compliance of not only city law but the neighborhood bi-laws.

Mayor Trulove spoke next about the topic of snow removal. Here were his points:
The city is unable to do anything but enforce blocking fire lanes, handicap parking or crime in our neighborhood because we are on private property.
He agreed that plowing needs to occur after 2+ inches of snow.
They have no towing abilities in our neighborhood but agreed that if a car is posing a safety hazard, it needs to be towed per our discretion.
As soon as a car is “plowed in” it is considered in non-compliance to the law in the city and the city has the right to ticket and tow them as do we as the Board of Directors in our neighborhood, though it is our job to do so in our neighborhood since it is private property.

        Officer Bechtol, a representative from the City of Cheney Police Department stated, once again, that the city has no jurisdiction except for fire lanes, handicap parking and crime in our neighborhood and it is up to our discretion to but to make sure we take pictures of the cars in non-compliance with the law so that we have proof in case they file a claim against us.

   Cassie, current Secretary, presented new ways for us to stay connected as a community. They are as follows:
Join our Community Facebook Group: Search for The Orchards Homeowners Association and request to join.
We now have a Mobile App. Download the app called NeighborHood – Connecting Community. Once downloaded, search for The Orchards Homeowners Association.
On these media platforms, we will keep you updated on community events, concerns or important information. You can also use these to stay connected. You can post about your concerns, lost pets, yard sales, etc.
         All present homeowners turned in ballots and these were tallied along with ones that were mailed in by residents to decide who would be voted onto the board to replace the President, Vice President and Treasurer. The votes were counted and the following three residents were voted onto the HOA Board of Directors – Tom Neubauer, Denise Reickmann and Ashley Smith. Brian motioned we elect them to office, Tammi seconded, unanimously carried. A meeting was scheduled by the Board to decide their role and Tammi Jenkins (President), Brian Lawerence (Vice President) and Carl Meyerhofer (Treasurer) are all officially done with their terms on the Board.

Tammi Jenkins adjourned the meeting at 12:19pm.