Friday, February 10, 2017

February Meeting Minutes

February Meeting Minutes

The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
February 9th, 2017

     The Meeting was called to order by Secretary, Cassie Day at 8:02pm. In attendance were President, Tom Neubauer; Vice President Rachel Blom; Treasurer,  Denise Rieckmann; Secretary, Cassandra Day and Ashley Smith, ARC Liason.

Also in attendance were community members Tammi Jenkins, John Day and Jessica Powers.

Treasurer’s Report:
•        Denise presented the Income and Expense Report for January of 2017.
•        Denise presented the proposed bills for February of 2017. They were as follows – City of Cheney: $103.28, Neighborhood Lawn & Tree: $8304.68, Copy Junction: $65.58. We also wrote a reimbursement check to Ashley Smith for $350 and, after the hearing Tammi attended today regarding towing, a reimbursement of $277.37 to Jessica Powers. Denise moved we pay the bills, Cassie seconded, unanimously carried.
•        Still have 39 unpaid HOA dues, 4 of which are on agreed upon payment plans. It was agreed that since a due date was not put in the original invoices, we will not be issuing fines as of now and will send another warning to homeowners who are unpaid giving them another month before they are fined.

Old Business
•       The concern that some homeowners may not have the Bylaws was brought up. We will make sure they are posted on the Blog as well as the Facebook page and also discussed sending a letter to the title company when a home is being closed upon requiring that the soon to be homeowner receive these bylaws.
•       Taxes will be filed by Denise and Cassie before the next meeting. A date and time has not been set as of yet.
•       The board is going to discuss with Jane Button scheduling and audit before the next meeting.
•      Denise husband Randy offered to scan and digitize all of our files.

New Business
We discussed getting quotes from some local insurance for our property and liability insurance before renewing our current policy. Tom will get these quotes and then bring them to the Board to go over.
The Board still plans to buy a cell phone to be used strictly for communication between the board and homeowners. This will be purchased and set up before the next meeting.
As this is a fairly new Board, the roles and responsibilities were gone over. They are as follows, though new ones may come up that can be added or adjusted later:
President: Run and create an agenda for Board meetings and read and respond to homeowners general emails to the Board.
Vice-President: Support president, check mail and help with homeowner general          emails.
Secretary: Record and posting Board Meeting Minutes, post updates and small reports to social media and send mailings  that go out to homeowners.
Treasurer: All billing/deposits. All communication with Automated Accounts. Sole board member in charge of reading and responding to treasury related emails. Check mail.
ARC Liaison: New construction.
Discussed possible new billing schedule for dues for next year, 2018. Will discuss possible changes to Bylaws in September 2017.
Rachel is going to look into getting clarification and new quotes for towing in the next couple of weeks. If unable to, Denise will look into it when she returns for her trip.

Cassie  moved to adjourn meeting at 8:48pm. Rachel seconded, passed unanimously.