Sunday, April 23, 2017

April Meeting Minutes

April Minutes

The Orchards Homeowner’s Association
April 13, 2017

     The Meeting was called to order by Secretary, Cassandra Day at 7:38pm. In attendance of this meeting was President, Tom Neubauer; Vice-President, Rachel Blom; Treasurer, Denise Rieckmann; Secretary, Cassandra Day.

Treasurer’s Report:
·      Denise presented the Income and Expense Report for March.
·      Denise presented the proposed bills for April 2017. They were as follows – City of Cheney: $103.28, Neighborhood Lawn and Tree: $489.15, Copy Junction: $5.89. Cassandra moved we pay the bills , Tom seconded, unanimously carried.
We cancelled our insurance policy with Philadelphia effective 04/01/17 and started the new State Farm policy on the same day. Tom will write a check for the prorated amount due to Philadelphia.
Denise proposed the following with our finance accounts-
o $20,000 Checking ($10,000 Day to day expense, $10,000 Maintenance)
o $12,000 Savings
o $35,000 moved into a new 18 month 1.36% savings account.
o We discussed and unanimously voted yes to these changes.

New Business:
Proposed maintenance projects this year:
o Vinyl fence at entrance – bid at $2,174
o Street Sweeper – bid at $550
o Asphalt repairs – need bids
o Concrete/Sidewalk repairs – need bids
Rachel talked to the City of Cheney about their laws for having chickens in their yards. There are no laws, only guidelines. She made up and presented a waiver for homeowners who are wanting to have chickens in their yard. We all voted yes to allowing chickens so long as homeowner's fill out said waiver and follow agreed upon guidelines.
A post is opening on the HOA Board – Cassandra is selling her house and closes on May 25th so a new Secretary is needed to fill the position. Letters will be going out to all homeowner's letting them know about the open position so someone can be appointed as soon as possible so that Cassandra has time to train them before stepping down.
Request to move our mailbox was approved. We now need bids for the work to do so. Tom is looking into it. Also looking into how we get lighting above it once moved.
A letter will be written and sent to City of Cheney requesting the water get turned back on in the neighborhood.
Reinstating Yard of the Month. It will go from May through September. Denise will purchase the gift cards for the winning yards.
Planning is beginning for the neighborhood block party this summer – more details to come. .