Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Sharing from the City of Cheney Website...

August 8, 2018 10:00 AM


Effective immediately and at least until Monday, August 13, the City of Cheney is enacting a MANDATORY LAWN WATERING SHUTDOWN for residents and businesses. This lawn watering shutdown is necessary to replenish our reservoirs. The City's water reservoirs have been reduced to critically low levels, 13 feet and dropping at the time of this writing. Reservoirs are full at 29 feet. Residential and commercial consumption of irrigation water has increased with hotter weather, resulting in our reservoir levels dropping dangerously low. The lawn watering shutdown will help protect our fire flow requirements and the integrity of the system. If we were to have a significant structure or brush fire in town, we would drain our reservoirs very quickly. Vegetable gardens and flowers may be watered, but not during the day. Warnings are being issued to those homes and businesses that are watering lawns, followed by citations to those not complying. The wells are operating at capacity, but simply cannot keep up with the increased lawn watering. If everyone complies with the lawn watering shutdown through the weekend, we may be able to allow restricted, limited lawn irrigation next week. Please check our Home page for updates.