Thursday, March 21, 2019

February 2019 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA
Monthly Meeting: February 11th, 2019
Rosenau Family
Start: Meeting called to order at 7 pm
Treasurer Report 
25 homes left for dues
Motion by Philip to put $8,000 excess funds into short-term, 36-month CD to go towards the road reserve. A shorter CD term means that the funds will gain more interest and less penalty for pulling any funds out early. Seconded by Rachel, all in favor, motion carried.
Income and Expense Report
February, 2018
January 08, 2017 Ending Balance$ 14,118.34
Income :
Dues$ 23,695.00
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income :$ 23,695.00
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn$ 1,637.45
Cheney / Utilities$ 103.28
Copy Junction
$ 144.73
Total Expenses :$ 1,930.57
Balance in Checking on Febuary 13, 2018$ 34,460.92
Balance in Savings as of January 31, 2018 (0.00 divident credit)$ 12,343.89
Balance in CDs as of Janurary 31, 2018 (divident credit)$ 80,106.55

Motion to approve income and expenses by Phillip, seconded by Rachel, all in favor, motion carried.
Roger’s Towing needs a contract written up when they are less busy. This will be handled by Rachel.
Snow Plowing
1.      Overflow parking has been discussed with NLT on where snow should and should not go
2.      Snow will be moved to drainage ditch/overflow parking. Motion by Philip to hire professional contractor to assist with this for an estimated $700. Seconded by Ashley, all in favor. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:30 pm