Wednesday, March 11, 2020

February 2020 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, February 10, 2020
Members Present: Rachel Blom, Phillip Sinelli , Brian Crow,  Bill & Diana Healey, Erin Every

Motion to start meeting by Rachel. Meeting called to order at 6:06pm

Treasurer Report
Motion to approve payment of bills by Phillip, seconded by Rachel. All in favor. Motion carried. 
Bills; Copy Junction $56.00, Lawn and Tree $5,406.89
Treasurer stated that over 50% of Owners have paid their dues, He will be sending out second notices this weekend.  Treasurer completed transfer of the $7,600.00 to road fund.
Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes by Erin, seconded by Phillip. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Old Business:
  1. Looking into a Management Company to fill Board positions.  Rachel is waiting to hear responses from companies in regards to cost of filing in the positions if needed.  She will let the HOA know costs as soon as they are available.
  2. Resident asked about maintaining the landscaping on the corner of the entrance on Paradise and Meadowglen.  Motion by Diana to just let the landscaping thrive/parrish on its own so we do not have to add a sprinkler system and dig up the road at this time. Seconded by Rachel. All in Favor. Motion carried.
  3. Road Maintenance. Last year was an “off year”.  This year the HOA will be having the roads sealed.  This will be done in July/August timeframe.  HOA is waiting on CNH Asphalt to send over and estimate. CNH Asphalt slotted to give an estimate on January 20, 2020.
New Business:
  1. Motion to shave speed bumps down. Erin motioned to have the speed bumps shaved down, Phillip Seconded.  The Cheney Fire Department verbally stated to a member of the Board that the speed bumps were never approved by them.  The previous Board in the year they were installed never received approval or information on how they were to be placed, etc.  The Fire Department will possibly be sending a letter to the HOA to have them removed if they are not in compliance. Erin stated that they are a nuisance.  People just drive off to the side or on the sidewalks to bypass them.  Also, they create problems for snow removal, such as finding companies to plow with the speed bumps. Leaving the HOA with limited options on hiring companies to plow and maintain the neighborhood.  HOA board member, Rachel will be looking into companies and cost to removed the speed bumps.
  2. Motion to look into speed limit signs.  Rachel motioned to replace old and worn down speed limit signs and to obtain information on where and how many speed limit signs the neighborhood needs.  The Board will look into this matter.
  3. An inquiry was made by a resident asking why there are two bank accounts.  Treasurer responded, “There are two bank accounts due to the interest rates being better at STCU where the HOA’s CD’s and Savings accounts are held.  Banner Bank is where our checking account is held.”
  4. HOA will be adding Kris Bahr to all accounts as she is the new President. 

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:32 by Rachel, seconded by Brian. All in favor. Motion carried.