Thursday, April 2, 2020

March 2020 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
Start: 6:33pm
End: 7:34pm
Members Present: Rachel Blom, Phillip Sinelli, Brian Crow, Tom Neubauer &Erin Every

Meeting called to order at 6:33pm

Treasurer Report
-Payment to Banner Bank for the amount of $45.00 for the deposit box. 
-Payment of $816.75 paid to NL&T for snow removal and de-icing mailbox areas. 
-Treasurer sending out final notices to fifteen members whom have yet to pay dues. 
-Phillip received a sticky note attached to NL&T bill stating they have not received payment for the September 2019 bill. Phillip cross referenced payments and seen there was a check, number 1140, sent out to NL&T. He had to put a stop payment on the initialcheck with a fee of $35.00 and reissue payment.
-Motion to approve payment of bills by Phillip, seconded by Brian. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes by Erin, seconded byRachel. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Old Business:
  1. Still working on obtaining cost amounts for an outside management company to take over board positions. Rachel should have more information at the next meeting.
  2. In regards to shaving down speed bumps in the community; Tom mentioned concerns as to people speeding thru the neighborhood and suggested that we obtain blockers to install on the sides of the speed bumps so cars are not able to drive onto the sidewalk. Rachel spoke with the Police Chief in Cheney and obtained verbally that they had given approval to the previous HOA to install the speed bumps in the Orchards community and we also need to have 2 signs stating “speed bumps ahead” to limit the communities/ HOA’s liability. Rachel will obtain the signs needed. 
    - Rachel motions to keep the speed bumps for now and re address if needed at a later date. Brian seconded. All in favor. Motion passes.
  3. A walk thru the neighborhood is needed to obtain information on what signs need to be replaced and what needs to be cleaned up for spring. Erin and Rachel will meet and take care of this.
  4. Arc applications; Brian received two applications to the HOA this month and both were approved by him. 
New Business
  1. Rachel motions to change our monthly meetings to every other month with Treasure reports to be approved over message monthly. Erin seconded. All in favor. Motion passes.
  2. Rachel was quoted about $40,000 for road repairs as the Orchards are required to have traffic control as well due to aggressive drivers. Brian will be taking over and obtaining quotes for road repair and maintenance. He will have more information and costs at the next meeting.
  3. Street sweeping is usually scheduled for after spring break and before Mothers Day. Brian will bring all quotes from companies to the following meeting.
  4. HOA is looking to hire outside help to clean and maintain the common areas, garbage pick up and cleaning/disposing of all pine needles on sidewalks around the community.
  5. Erin requested HOA’s email and password for the Orchards HOA Facebook page. Rachel will be contacting the person who started the account to see if she can obtain the information. If not obtained we will look into starting a new page as the anonymity of the board members is important due to previous members being harassed.
  6. Spring/Summer letters need to be prepared to send out. Erin will get going on these and have them out in April as well as posting to FB when the password is obtained.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:34by Erinseconded by Phillip. All in favor. Motion carried.