Monday, December 21, 2020

Treasurer Income and Expense Report Nov 2020

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Orchards Home Owners Association
Income and Expense Report
Nov 2020 
Income :
Dues $                  192.50 
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income 
Total Income : $                  192.50 
Expenses :
Utilities $                  103.28 
Admin $                    38.00 
Bank Fee $                    11.00 
Landscaping $               2,221.56 
Land Maint $                    81.62 
Taxes $                          -   
Ins $                          -   
Imprv $                          -   
Misc $                          -   
Total Expenses : $               2,455.46 
Balance in Checking on Nov 30th, 2020 $          2,119.08 
Balance in Savings as of Nov 30th, 2020 $          8,260.15 
Balance in CDs as of Nov 30th 2020   ($137.99 divident credit) $       86,839.07 
Net assets $          97,218.30