Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Monthly Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Start: 6:31pm

End: 6:58pm

Members Present: Rachel Blom, Kris BahrTom Neubauer & Erin Every

Meeting called to order at 6:31pm

Treasurer Report

-Motion to approve payment of bills by Tom, seconded by Erin. All in favor. Motion carried. 

- All reports are up to date on the blog, December Financials and all reports for the year will be sent to the secretary from the treasurer by January 20th, 2021

-Treasurer will contact Francisca Sandoval about taking over treasurer position and if she is interested, will train and take over for existing treasurer until a vote can take place at annual meeting. 

Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve previous meeting minutes by Erin, seconded byRachel. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Old Business:

  1. Due to Covid-19 we have had most of our communication on the board thru email/text/zoom.

  2. Annual Meeting postponed until further notice.

  3. Sprinklers and water have been blown out and shut off for the rest of 2020.

New Business

  1. Increase in Dues- Kris asked about the increase in dues and why there wasn’t a vote. Treasurer replied- The increase in dues does not need to be voted on by the HOA because it is purely a cost of living increase. We are a non profit and we are NOT making any profit on raising the HOA yearly dues. The money we collet for dues goes to maintaining our community and the roads. We estimate in the next 6 years just for crack sealing & road sealing we will need at a minimum $60,000 to have them maintained. The HOA Due will increase $25.00 in 2021 and an additional $25.00 in 2022 for a total of a $50.00 increase. Dues have not been raised since 2013 and are needed to maintain the community due to cost of living increases. President will draft up a letter to the community about the dues increase and get it to the secretary to disseminate to all social media/websites/blog, etc. asap.

  2. Tom mentioned that the community needs more weed control and suggests having it done from May-September so that we are able to preserve the integrity of the roads. Cost of this service add on needs to be obtained from NL&T by board and then voted on.

  3. Erin motioned to have a Community Yard Sale via our Facebook page and she would run and set it up, all in favor, motion carried.

  4. Kris motioned to have the next two HOA meetings via zoom and have the link sent out for the community to attend online in hopes of more attendance. All in favor, motioned carried.

  5. Next Meeting via Zoom, March 9th, 2021 at 6:30pm, please see social media or blog closer to date for the details.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:58pm by Erin seconded by Rachel. All in favor. Motion carried.