Sunday, January 24, 2021

Treasurer Report December 2020/Proposed Budget 2021

Treasurer had to move $5,000.00 from Savings to the checking account in December. In the Budget, Treasurer proposed putting $2,500.00 in Savings and $7,500.00 in the CDs.

 In 6 years we will have a Crack Seal and Road Surface project for $60,000.00 and require $10,000.00 be put away per year. 104 houses rate increase of $25.00 this year only added $2,600.00 and next year's rate increase of another $25.00 adds $5,200.00 annually, so next year $10,500.00 next year and the following 4 years can go into CDs for Road Maintenance for $60,000.00. This is the talking point for the rate increase.

We ended the year with $90K in CDs and Savings, we started the year with $142K in CDs and Savings.