Wednesday, September 13, 2017

July Meeting Minutes

Orchards HOA Meeting
July 11, 2017 
Start: 6:58
In Attendance:
Rachel Blom
Rachel’s Daughter
Tom Neubauer
Ashley Smith
Old Business:
A few bills we went over in June were already taken care of in April and May.
Still looking for a Treasurer and Secretary. A renter can step in as a board member, but they must be current on dues, fees and fines.

Saving Balances $12,334.57 and CD Balance $46,613.46 at STCU
Checking Balance $49,626.08 at Banner

Paid City of Cheney $159.17

Paid State Farm $115.00

Paid Neighborhood Lawn & Tree $854..09

Motion to approve bills/expenses: Ashley. Seconded by Rachel.

New Business
Voted on this month’s yard of the month…113 Greenbrier Lane
Lawn guy has left the water off and charging The Orchards for mowing off of Meadow Glenn Lane
Mandatory no lawn watering is still in effect and the City of Cheney deals with/handles the citations. Orchards HOA is not responsible for replacing dead lawns since the water issues are with Cheney’s water supply.
Updating files on who is maintaining properties/ property managers for the rental homes to send notices and fines to the correct people
Picked up file boxes of old Orchards HOA files, need to scan and digitize the files.
All 4 Fencing guy did not show up for the job for June 16th to update fencing at The Orchards Entrance…Tom will contact him and see if he will come back out.
Tom is updating the bank account to remove old members’ names.
Next Meeting: August 8th, 7pm
Motion to end meeting: Rachel. Seconded by Tom.
End: 7:35