Tuesday, February 20, 2018


February 12, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
In attendance were President, Tome Neubauer; Vice-President, Rachel Blom; Treasurer, Philip Sinelli;
Absent: Brian Crow - Arc Liaison and Ashley Smith - Secretary
Homeowners: Janet Prendergast and Harry Batty

Treasurer's Report:
Philip presented the bills...
Neighborhood Lawn and Tree $1637.45
Copy Junction                           $ 144.73
City of Cheney                          $ 103.28
Rachel motioned to pay, unanimously carried.

New business:
88 out of 105 homeowners have either paid part or all of their dues.
17 homeowners have made no contact in regards to the dues.
The 2nd reminder notice was mailed out Feb. 1st.

The meeting ended at 7:40 pm.