Monday, April 23, 2018

April 2018 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards Meeting Minutes
April 9th, 2018

Start: 7 pm
End: 7:35 pm

Members Present
Tom Neubauer
Rachel Blom
Janet Prendergast
Philip Sinelli
Brian Crow
Ashley Watts

Treasurer Report
Income and Expense Report                                                              
                                    April, 2018                                                     
12 March, 2018 Ending Balance                                                                    $ 34,868.27               
            Income :                                                                                 
            Dues                            $ 237.50                                            
            Fines / Fees                                                                            
            Late Charges                                                                          
            Other Income                                                                         
            Total Income :                         $ 237.50                                            
            Expenses :                                                                              
            Neighborhood Lawn                           $ 511.36                                            
            Cheney / Utilities                                $ 103.28                                            
            Other: Property Tax, Income Tax, Safe Deposit Box, Liability Insurance.                           $20.06                                                
            Copy Junction                         $         0                                 
            Total Expenses :                                  $ 634.70                                            
Balance in Checking on April 09, 2018                                                                     $ 35,112.00               
Balance in Savings as of Feburary 28, 2018  (0.00 divident credit)                                                              $ 12,343.89                   
Balance in CDs as of Feburary 28, 2018   (divident credit)                                                               $ 80,289.70                        

Old Business

Neighborhood Lawn and Tree
            The contract has been adjusted and added verbiage ensures that NL&T cannot perform unnecessary maintenance.

New Business

Free Little Library
            The Orchards will have their own Free Little Library soon! The Board is working on ways to bribe Philip to dig the hole for us J

            The Board has compiled a list of changes (most are small) to the bylaws. Homeowners will be sent a list of the amendments once completed. Links to the old and new document will be posted on the blog once completed, as well.

Fire Lane Parking on Silverthorn
            Cars have been parking in the fire lane close to the entrance of The Orchards. This behavior is a danger to drivers and walkers. Members of The Board will be calling the non-emergency police to prevent this from continuing if they continue to park there. Members of The Orchards are also welcome and encouraged to call and report illegally parked vehicles.
 (509) 498-9235

Yard of the Month
            Yard of the month begins again! The Board will vote for the first yard in May. Rachel called for a motion to purchase 5 $25 ACE giftcards for Yard of the Month winners and more stamps. The motion was seconded by Tom. Motion passed.