Sunday, July 8, 2018

May 2018 Meeting Mintues

The Orchards Meeting Minutes
May 7th, 2018

Start: 7 pm
End: 7:49 pm

Members Present
Tom Neubauer
Rachel Blom
Janet Prendergast
Philip Sinelli
Brian Crow
Ashley Watts

Treasurer Report

Income and Expense Report
April, 2018
12 March, 2018 Ending Balance$ 34,868.27
Income :
Dues$ 237.50
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income :$ 237.50
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn$ 511.36
Cheney / Utilities$ 103.28
Other: Property Tax, Income Tax, Safe Deposit Box, Liability Insurance.
Copy Junction
$ 0
Total Expenses :$ 634.70
Balance in Checking on April 09, 2018$ 35,112.00
Balance in Savings as of Feburary 28, 2018 (0.00 divident credit)$ 12,343.89
Balance in CDs as of Feburary 28, 2018 (divident credit)$ 80,289.70

Motion to approve by Tom, seconded by Rachel.

Old Business:

1. Houses that need cleaned up (yard work, dead trees, etc.) will be mailed notices
2. RV parking area will be attended to to ensure no long term parking is taking place
3. Road Crack fill through Specialty Asphalt. Lisa, the contact for SA, will send pricing and agreements soon. The Board will send notices to homeowners about a week out
Motion to approve finances and working with Specialty Asphalt by Tom, Seconded by Brian.
4. Neighborhood Lawn and Tree pushed back a storm drain during plowing in the winter. Brian will make contact with them to ask for their insurance to cover damages.
5. Sprinklers will be turned on by the City on May 29th and will call The Board with a time

6. The Blom Boys have been asked to do odd jobs around the neighborhood in the past to save money. They have been asked to clear the leaves at the entrance, do silt clearing, and clean the spillways. They will also be asked to paint the fire lanes if we cannot find a reasonably priced company to do so. The Blom Boys ask for $30 per hour.
Motion to approve the payment and hiring of the Blom Boys by Tom, Seconded by Ashley.

New Business:
1. Fire lane parking sign and pole need to be placed on Silverthorn. The Board asks that if they or members of The Orchards see someone parked in the fire lanes to call the non-emergency police number. 509-498-9235
2. There was a request by a homeowner for a handicap parking space in a fire lane. The Board said no because the City of Cheney and regulations require that there is a clear fire lane and there is ample street parking available on the other side of the residence.

3. Newsletter with updates to the bylaws are copy and pasted below.

Welcome to Spring/Summer 2018.

Some awareness news:
In April, a vehicle was stolen from a driveway in The Orchards,  another at The Barrington Apartments, and
another on Paradise Rd.
We will have our roads, with cracks greater then ¼ inch or greater, filled. Two areas will have some patch work,
the area in front of the mailbox on Silverthorn and an area on Meadow Glen South End. Date to be determined.
During this time, no vehicles are to be parked on the road and entrants and roads will be blocked for the safety
of the workers. There will be a flagger.  Cost is approximately $6,500.00. This work maintains the lifespan of our
roads. We do have some concerns about the concrete area where Silverthorn meets Meadow Glen.
As with every spring, please, be responsible for keeping your yard, planting beds and gravel areas free of weeds,
especially things that spread to your neighbor’s yards, such as dandelions.  The most effective treatment for
Dandelions is pre-emergent and should be handled now.  Please consider this solution as once it’s done, you
will have far less issues even if seeds blow in from elsewhere.
As it comes time to turn on sprinkler systems again, please make sure all your heads are not cracked or leaking
and make sure that your sprinklers are not “watering the street & sidewalks”, as this increases wear and
tear in addition to wasting water.  
Please also remember that yards must be mowed once a week and weeds must be mowed down when they
get 4” high so that they do not bloom or produce seeds.  This applies to all yards, beds and gravel areas on the
Yard-of-the-Month runs May - Sept.: Nominate a yard you feel is well-kept and nice-looking. It doesn’t have to
be “fancy”.
As an aside to this, Please make sure that your fence is not a hazard to your neighbors as some of them are
looking a bit unstable.
Spring/Summer means basketball games, bicycle riding, and playing w/sidewalk chalk…  Remember, sidewalks
are for people to walk on, children in strollers, etc. and they should not be forced into the roadway to
accommodate such things. This also means vehicles ought not to be blocking the sidewalks and as it poses a
danger, we will be watching for this and reminders and fines will apply to repeat offenders.

Last item to bring up, amendments to the bylaws are as followed:

The bylaws take precedence over the “Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions” which will be filed but no
longer distributed.

Email can be used as a form of communication for board members and to distribute notices, statements and
information to occupants, homeowners members, and rental agencies.  Please share your email with the board
to receive all communication in the most efficient manner.

10.05 Landscaping.  Prior to landscaping upon any Lot, the Owner shall submit a landscaping plan to
the Architectural Control Committee for approval.
(a) Within 6 months following initial occupancy of the dwelling structure, weather permitting,
each Lot shall be improved with front yard landscaping, including watering systems, specified
in the plan approved by the Architectural Control Committee, and back yard completion must
take place within 12 months after occupancy.
(b) All yard areas shall be landscaped, sodded or seeded and maintained in a professional
manner and in accordance with an approved landscaping plan.
10.05 Landscaping.
(a) All yard areas shall be landscaped &  maintained in a professional manner,
whether it grass or xeriscape. Front lawns can not be barked or graveled.

10.03 Garbage Disposal.  All refuse, garbage and trash shall be kept at all times in covered containers,
which shall be kept and maintained within the enclosed structure of the garage, or
appropriately screened from view behind a fence or behind the house, except when
necessarily placed for pick up by garbage removal services. Revision 03-08-11.  Garbage cans
mustbe put away within 24 hours of garbage collection.  No lumber or scrap, refuse, trash or
other materials shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any Lot. There is absolutely
no dumping of any kind on vacant lots or in common areas.
The Architectural Control Committee and/or Association through its agents shall have the
right to enter upon any vacant Lot for the purpose of removing weeds, brush, growth or
refuse, and charge the cost thereof to the Owner and which shall become a Limited
Assessment against the Lot.
10.03 Garbage Disposal.  All refuse, garbage and trash shall be kept at all times in covered
containers, which shall be kept and maintained within the enclosed structure of the garage,
on the garage side of the house, or appropriately screened from view behind a fence or
behind the house, except when necessarily placed for pick up by garbage removal services.
Revision 03-08-11.  Garbage cans must be put away within 24 hours of garbage collection.  
No lumber or scrap, refuse, trash or other
materials shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any Lot. There is absolutely no
dumping of any kind on vacant lots or in common areas.
The Architectural Control Committee and/or Association through its agents shall have the
right to enter upon any vacant Lot for the purpose of removing weeds, brush, growth or
refuse, and charge the cost thereof to the Owner and which shall become a Limited
Assessment against the Lot.

10.04 Animals. No livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot except
that dogs, domestic cats or other household pets may be kept for an Owner’s personal use,
  1. Such animals are not bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.
  2. Dogs and cats shall be limited to two (2) per household.
       (c) Any such household pets shall be properly restrained and controlled at any time
they are within the Project.
       (d) Any kennel for animals which is constructed or maintained on any Lot, shall be
(1) screened from view so as not to be visible from anywhere within the Project and
in a location and of construction approved by the Architectural Control Committee;
(2) located and maintained in a manner to avoid any endangerment of or nuisance to,
adjacent Lot Owners; and (3) maintained in a clean, odor free and insect free manner.
       (e) The Owner is responsible to cleanup after their animal’s deposits on any property
within the Project.
        (f) Notwithstanding the foregoing, household pets shall not be kept which unreasonable
bother or constitute a nuisance to Owners of other Lots.
10.04 Animals. No livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot except that
dogs, domestic cats or other household pets may be kept for an Owner’s personal use, provided:
                                       (a) Such animals are not bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.
                                       (b) Dogs and cats shall be limited to two (2) per household.
(c) Any such household pets shall be properly restrained and controlled at any time
they are within the Project.
(d) Any kennel for animals which is constructed or maintained on any Lot, shall be
(1) screened from view so as not to be visible from anywhere within the Project and
in a location and of construction approved by the Architectural Control Committee;
(2) located and maintained in a manner to avoid any endangerment of or nuisance to,
adjacent Lot Owners; and (3) maintained in a clean, odor free and insect free manner.
(e) The Owner is responsible to cleanup after their animal’s deposits on any property
within the Project.
(f) Notwithstanding the foregoing, household pets shall not be kept which unreasonable
bother or constitute a nuisance to Owners of other Lots.
(g) The Architectural Control Committee and/or Association can approve chickens and
rabbits which will follow the City of Cheney guidelines

10.07 Vehicle Restrictions. REVISED: September 10, 2006 by the Board of Directors to be: No
campers, recreational vehicles, trailers, boats or motorcycles shall be parked upon any Lot
unless fully enclosed in a garage or fenced or screened in a manner specifically approved for
that Lot by the Architectural Control Committee, and shall not be parked on any street or
Common Area within the Project. No snowmobiles, snow removal equipment, golf carts,
semi-truck and/or trailer, maintenance equipment or similar equipment or vehicles, and
non working or unlicensed or commercial vehicles or greater than three quarter ton in size
and no junk cars or other unsightly vehicles shall be parked on any Lot at any time, unless fully
enclosed in a garage on said lot and shall not be parked on any street. All other parking of
equipment shall be prohibited, except as approved in writing by the Architectural Control
No parking areas or driveways shall be constructed or maintained except as approved by the
Architectural Control Committee. Parking bays or areas, or driveways, are prohibited in areas
between side Lot lines and buildings or approved driveways unless specifically approved by
the Architectural Control Committee.
The speed limit on all the private streets within the Project will be 20 miles per hour
maximum in accordance to Washington State RCW 46.61.419 and will be enforced by the
City of Cheney police
department and/or the Orchards HOA.
Vehicle parking is prohibited in all posted fire lanes, both entrances, all sidewalks
(must have a minimum of 4 feet clearance at all times), and all other marked or designated
areas. All vehicles must be at least fifteen feet from a fire hydrant and fifteen feet from the
corners of the streets.
Non-compliance of the parking policy will result with vehicle citations, vehicle towing and/or
property owner fines enforced by the City of Cheney police department and/or the Orchards
The available parking areas are not to accommodate residential overflow of vehicles but are
intended for guests and visitors. Use your garages and driveways. Vehicles are not allowed to
hang over the driveways onto the sidewalks. Amendment approved by Homeowners
January 9, 2016: Vehicles cannot be park permanently on the streets, more than 72 hours.
If, during the winter they impede the snowplow, they will be tagged with a violation notice
giving them 72 hours to remove the vehicle or the Association will have the vehicle towed
and impounded at the owner’s expense.
10.07 Vehicle Restrictions. REVISED: September 10, 2006 by the Board of Directors to be:
(a) No camper, recreational vehicles, trailers, boats, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, jet ski, golf cart,
or anyother recreational vehicle shall be parked upon any Lot unless fully enclosed in a
garage or in designated area (garage side of the house, even or behind the garage door as if
a continuing straight line is extended to the garage side lot line), in a manner specifically
approved for that Lot by the Architectural Control Committee, and shall not be parked in the
garage driveway or on any street or Common Area within the Project.
(b) No, snow removal equipment, semi-truck and/or trailer, maintenance equipment or
similar equipment or vehicles, and non working or unlicensed or commercial vehicles or
greater than three quarter ton in size and no junk cars or other unsightly vehicles shall
be parked on any Lot at any time, unless fully enclosed in a garage on said lot and shall
not be parked on any street. All other parking of equipment shall be prohibited, except
as approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee.
(c) No parking areas or driveways shall be constructed or maintained except on the
garage side of the house as approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Parking
bays or areas, or driveways, are prohibited in areas between house side Lot lines and
buildings or approved driveways.
(d) The speed limit on all the private streets within the Project will be 20 miles per hour
maximum in accordance to Washington State RCW 46.61.419 and will be enforced by the
City of Cheney police department and/or the Orchards HOA.
(e) Vehicle parking is prohibited in all posted fire lanes, both entrances, all sidewalks
(must have a minimum of 4 feet clearance at all times), and all other marked or
designated areas. All vehicles must be at least fifteen feet from a fire hydrant and
fifteen feet from the corners of the streets. Non-compliance of the parking policy will result
with vehicle citations, vehicle towing and/or property owner fines enforced by the City of Cheney police department and/or the Orchards HOA. The available parking areas are not to accommodate residential overflow of vehicles but are intended for guests and visitors. Use your garages and driveways. Vehicles are not allowed to hang over the driveways onto the sidewalks.
Amendment approved by Homeowners January 9, 2016: Vehicles cannot be park permanently on the streets, more than 72 hours. If, during the winter they impede the snowplow, they will be tagged with a violation notice giving them 72 hours to remove the vehicle or the Association will have the vehicle towed and impounded at the owner’s expense.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 pm by Tom, approved by Rachel.