Sunday, July 8, 2018

June 2018 Meeting Minutes

The Orchards Meeting Minutes
June 18th, 2018

Start: 7 pm
End: 7:30 pm

Members Present
Tom Neubauer
Janet Prendergast
Brian Crow
Ashley Watts

Treasury Report

Income and Expense Report
May, 2018
May 21st, 2018 Ending Balance $ 32,347.89
Income :
Dues $ 395.00
Fines / Fees
Late Charges
Other Income
Total Income : $ 395.00
Expenses :
Neighborhood Lawn $ 707.20
Cheney / Utilities $ 107.35
Other: Speciality Asphalt (deposit for road sealing). Auto Rain (sprinkler repair)
Copy Junction
$ 26.81
Total Expenses : $ 3,012.37
Balance in Checking on May 21st, 2018 $ 32,347.89
Balance in Savings as of April 30, 2018 (0.00 divident credit) $ 12,348.46
Balance in CDs as of April 30 2018 (divident credit) $ 80,382.99

Motion to approve by Tom, seconded by Ashley.
Old Business:
1. Blom Boys did a great job clearing the entrance to The Orchards. They will be asked to do under the bushes and mailboxes, too, depending upon their schedule. Fire lane painting is still on hold.

New Business:
1. Specialty Asphalt will be filling the sinkhole and cracks on Silverthorn and Meadowglenn July 24th and 25th. The Orchards members will be notified the week prior to move vehicles and to be aware of delays.

2. Yard of the Month will be voted on again soon!

Motion to adjourn meeting by Tom, seconded by Brian.