Friday, January 11, 2013

Annual Meeting Minutes 2013

The Orchards HOA Annual Meeting
January 07, 2013
7:00 pm   Meeting Opened
            Present:  Jessica Dempsey, Janet Prendergast, Corey Bennett, Brad Fillmore, Scott and Heather Woller, and guest, Mike Dempsey and Officer Matt Pumphrey of the City of Cheney Police Department.

            As our first order of business, Officer Pumphrey addressed the Board regarding a letter that the Cheney Police Department received from a homeowner in the Orchards who resides on Meadow Glen Lane.  His letter had a detailed and extensive list of complaints; some were repeats of issues which the Board of the Orchards Homeowner’s Association had previously addressed.  New complaints were:

·         Removal of Fire Lane signs on Silverthorn by the mailboxes
·         Snow plowed from Meadow Glen should not be deposited on his property
·         Sites problem with runoff water that collects on the corner of Meadow Glen and Whispering Oak
·         Displeased with fence on Silverthorn; potion falling over belongs to 3006 Silverthorn
·         Meadow Glen sign needs repair (which one)
·         Addition of Fire Lane signs on Whispering Oak (there are 2 there already)
·         Discharge of airsoft guns in the woods behind his house

The Secretary will send a letter to Mr. Smith regarding these new complaints with a carbon copy to Commander Rick Campbell of the Cheney Police Department.

New Business:  The Board, and one Board member’s husband, were the only HOA members in attendance at this Annual Meeting.  Corey Bennett was re-elected as President of the Association, Jessica Dempsey was re-elected as Vice President, Janet Prendergast was re-elected as Secretary, Heather and Scott Woller were re-elected as ARC Chair, and Brad Fillmore was elected as Treasurer for 2013.

President’s Report:  Corey told the Board that he has gotten emails complaining about snow removal, and one from Debi Bell regarding the fence behind her house being knocked over into her yard.  Corey is going to talk with Gary regarding the snowplowing complaints (start deice down past mailboxes) and let Mrs. Bell know that the fence in question belongs to the Holiday Inn and she will have to contact them regarding repairs. 

            Treasurer’s Report: Brad Fillmore presented the Income/Expense report for January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 and the Budget for 2013.  He and Janet will do an Audit of the 2012 books.

Old Business:   The deposits were made to the Road Repair Reserve Repair Fund Certificate of Deposit and also to repay the $5,000 borrowed for the installation of the new drainage grate at Silverthorn and Meadow Glen.  The RRR Fund has $51,684.17 in it.  We propose looking into sealing all of the asphalt roads in the Orchards if we can financially.  This money would come out of the RRR Fund rather than as a surcharge to the homeowners.  This is what we have been saving this money for each year, to maintain our roads and extend their life.  The regular Board meeting will be January 8, 2013 and the Board will discuss at that time the To-Do List for 2013.

The next Board Meeting will be January 8, 2013 at 6:30 pm.