Friday, January 11, 2013

September Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Board Meeting
September 11, 2012

6:30 pm   Meeting Opened by Corey Bennett

            Present: Corey Bennett, Jessica Dempsey,  Janet Prendergast and Erika Klauss.

            Secretary’s Minutes:  Reading of the August minutes was waived.

            Treasurer’s Report: Erika Klauss
·         There was no income for August.
·         Income/Expense Report for Aug. 1st through Aug. 31st, 2012. Balance on hand Aug 1st was $26,320.32; ending balance August 31st is $25, 365.53.
·         There are still three homeowners with dues owed.  Duplex at 3204/06 MGL has been sent to collection; House at 3314 TCL has paid $200.  They will be called and warned they are going to collection; House at 121 PCL still has not paid nor sent a check as they promised.  Jess will talk with them again.  If no resolution, will be sent to collection.

Bills to be paid: 
·         City of Cheney                      $   187.96
§  Neighborhood Lawn and Tree          766.34
§  Spokane Pro Care (sprinkler)      $     88.05
                  Total                        $1,042.35

It was moved and seconded that we pay these bill, the motion was unanimously passed.

It was moved and seconded that Erika pay the $10.00 non-profit fee for the Association to the State of Washington, and fill out the accompanying paperwork.  This is usually submitted in October. 

Old Business:
·         Stop/Waste Valve:  Scott got a bid from Spokane Pro Care for $396.76.  Corey went with the second vendor, Auto Rain, to look at the valve.  It was their opinion that the valve is not broken, but has been turned too far in the past.  They do not believe it needs to be repaired, and Corey marked the white tube with “On” and “Off” to facilitate whoever blows the system out in the Fall and turns it on in the Spring.  It was felt by the Board that we should have Auto Rain do the blow out of the system this fall. Janet to call them after she has had the City turn the irrigation water off for this year.  Corey requested that we ask Auto Rain to do the work in the afternoon, after 4pm so that he can be there when it is done.
·         Janet reported that after two letters to the owners of 126 Pine Crest Lane about the condition of the yard, the weeds in their swale, the noxious weeds in their back yard and the weeds in their gravel area that she contacted the Noxious Weed Board and the Cheney Code Enforcement Department.  The Cheney Enforcement Officer sent the homeowners a letter giving them until September 7th to clean up their property or be fined.  On the 6th of September the work was done. 

New Business
·         ARC Applications:  None known of
·         Corey reported that someone had turned on one of the sprinkler stations by getting in to the valve box.  Mrs. Bell called him at work, but he wasn’t able to get down there until he got home from work.  The system ran all day long.  Discussion followed and the Board feels that we need to find a way to lock those boxes so that no one can get in there and mess with the timer or turn on the system.  Janet to call Gary about this.
·         Yard-of-the-Month:  Erika suggested that we award the YoftheM to the occupants of 3012 Meadow Glen Lane.  She was given the last gift card and the sign to put in their yard.
·         New By-Law regarding no solicitation in the neighborhood.  Corey proposed that we add a by-law stating no solicitation.  It was suggested that we just do signs, but he did not want to do that.  Jessica and Erika were concerned that a by-law or signs would make it hard for the neighborhood children to sell tickets to functions or projects at school.  After discussion, the Board approved an addition to the By-Laws, but no one volunteered to take on the process. 
·         Empty property at 3011 Meadow Glen Lane.  Erika said that she has been mowing the lawn at this property which is in foreclosure.  The Board felt that she should contact Gary Grimmett of Neighborhood Lawn and Tree and tell him to mow the lawn, pull or weed whip the weeds in the gravel area and spray the gravel area.  We will invoice the homeowner for the labor.  The Board asked the Secretary to send the homeowner a letter in regard to the condition of their property.
·         Letters to Homeowners re: yard condition:  There are several yards in the Orchards that are yellow.  The homeowners or tenants are choosing not to water the yards.  The secretary was asked to send letters to 3016 MGL (one to renters, one to homeowner); a letter to 3112 STL; to 3310 MGL; and 3011 MGL Grey Eagle LLC.
·         Gary Grimmett, Neighborhood Lawn and Tree, asked if he could prune the trees on Silverthorn.  The Board discussed the request and decided that they would put this project off until the Spring of 2013.  Janet is to call Gary. 

Next Board meeting will be October 9, at the Secretary’s home.

            The meeting was again adjourned at 8:00 pm.