Friday, January 11, 2013

November Meeting Minutes

The Orchards HOA Board Meeting
November 13, 2012

6:30 pm   Meeting Opened
            Present:  Jessica Dempsey, Janet Prendergast and Heather Woller.

            Secretary’s Minutes:  The October minutes were approved with the following correction:
New Business:  Erika and Keith have sold their house.  They will be moving.  Discussion followed on whether to transfer the Treasurer’s books back to the Secretary, or contact someone to finish Erika’s term and then move on with the Board for 2013.  It was moved and seconded that the books should be turned over to Janet and she will be interim Treasurer until elections at
the Annual Meeting in December for 2013 officers.  Unanimously passed.                                

            Treasurer’s Report: Janet for Erika
·         Income/Expense Report for October 1st through October 31, 2012. Balance on hand Oct. 1st was $24,513.18; ending balance Oct. 31th is $23,918.98.

Bills to be paid: 
·   City of Cheney                       $     77.11
§  Neighborhood Lawn and Tree   $   521.76  
§  National Barricade                   $   181.74
§  Auto-Rain                                $    65.17
                     Total                    $   845.78  
It was moved and seconded that we pay these bill, the motion was unanimously passed.

Old Business:
·         Discussed potential new treasurers.  Jessica will contact Kelly and Janet will call Brad Fillmore.
New Business:
·         No new ARC applications
·         Due to the transfer of treasurer’s duties, and Income/Expense for January 1st through December 31st of 2012 will not be done for Annual meeting.
·         We will not be able to audit the treasurer’s books either.  The checkbook has been reconciled each month, but right now Janet will not have time to go through the checkbook and get it ready.  Perhaps when we get a new Treasurer we can finish these things off.
·         Janet will do a Budget for 2013 to present at the Annual meeting.
·         Janet will reserve the Library, hopefully for Monday, January 7th at 7pm
·         Corey needs to do a letter regarding the Annual meeting by December 7 so that it will go out 30 days before the meeting. 
·         Janet will create the Dues Statements for 2013 to enclose in the letter so we can combine the mailings.

Next meeting will be December 11, 2012 at 6:30 pm at the Secretary’s home.