This is a page for the homeowners and renters living in The Orchards Homeowners Association to come together as a community and stay connected and updated on important information. Ways to contact us: email or financial questions -, the HOA cell phone: 509-559-2044, mailing address: 3116 Silverthorn Lane You can also find us on Facebook
Saturday, December 19, 2015
November 2015 Income and Expense
Orchards Home Owners Association
and Expense Report
November 30, 2015
October 31, 2015
Balance: $ 26,878.56
Late Charges
Other Income $
20.00 (Sprinkler Blowout Checks)
Total Income: $ 20.00
Utilities $
150.30 (City of Cheney)
$ 20.00 (Automated Accounts)
Grnds/Plowing $ 128.61
(Sprinkler Blowout)
Taxes $
Legal $ 10.00 (WA Secretary of State)
Supplies $ 119.69 (Stamps and Envelopes printed)
Postage $
Printing/Mailg. $
Repairs/Improv. $
Non Profit Fee
Cert. of
Deposit $
Safe Deposit
Box $
Other- $
![]() |
Total Expenses: $
Balance in checking as of November 30th, 2015 $ 26,469.96
Balance in savings as of November 30th, 2015 $ 12,312.25
Balance in CD as of November 30th, 2015 $ 43,810.12
Sunday, December 6, 2015
November 2015 Meeting Minutes
Orchards Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:05PMAttending: Tammi Jenkins, Brian Lawrence, Cassie Day, Jane Button,
Guest: Janet Prendergast
- Cassie presented the financial report as of October 31, 2015. The Association has $26,878.56 in checking, $12,312.25 in savings, and $43,768.75 in a CD.
- Bills presented for payment included City of Cheney utilities of $150.30 and Copy Junction of $21.69.
Brian made a motion to pay these bills which was seconded by Cassie and approved. A $20 bill from
Automated Accounts was approved for payment provided the explanation upon research is understood by the treasurer. Cassie will request a list of home owners still owing Automated Accounts.
- The discussion was continued regarding Brian getting bids to paint the mailboxes in the spring. Janet suggested Elite Painting.
- The snow removal bid from Neighborhood Lawn and Tree was discussed. The board accepted the bid.
- The annual meeting will be held on Jan 9 at 11:00 AM at the Cheney Library. Cassie indicated that the year-end financials will be presented at the meeting.
- Tammi, Brian, and Cassie all indicated they plan to continue their terms on the board next year.
- The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM
- No meeting in December, unless deemed necessary, Cassie will email out the monthly bills and they can be voted on that way and then signed by Tammi.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
September 2015 Meeting Minutes
The Orchards
Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting September 8, 2015
Present: Tammi Jenkins, Kelley Cullen, Brian Lawrence,
and interim secretary, Janet Prendergast
Cassie Day
Report: We had income of $700.00 and
expenses of $730.33. We currently have
$27,010.92 in our checking, $12,307.60 in savings, and $43,689.05 in our
Certificate of Deposit. Kelley said that
the CD would be maturing on September 24th, and we need to decide
whether to put it in to another certificate for 36 months. Janet said that she had just looked at rates
at STCU and there is one for 36 months at 1.15%. Brian asked her to check interest rates at
Banner Bank. New Bills are $149.85 from
City of Cheney, $222.00 from Neighborhood Lawn and Tree, property taxes of
$103.13. It was moved and seconded that we pay these bills; unanimously passed.
Janet reminded Kelley that the payment to the Washington State Secretary for
renewal of our nonprofit status is due in October.
Kelly said that she has not
received the payment from the title company on property at 3204/3206
Meadow Glen Lane.
There are just three households
delinquent now,
She was asked if she had seen an
invoice from Automated Accounts yet and said “no, but that she would call them
and follow up on that”.
Business: Fire Lane Stencil:
Tammi has not tried doing any of the stencils yet, but suggested a couple
of new things to try. Proposed by-law
amendment: Tammi handed out the
wording for the by-law amendment for the Board to read. Kelley had some changes, but the motion was
made to accept the amendment. It was
seconded and unanimously approved. The amendment will be sent out with the
letter notifying homeowners of the annual meeting in January and will be
presented for approval at that time. Dead
trees removed on September 1st:
The dead tree in Robinson’s backyard turned out to be four trees
taken out. The one dead tree in
Voegtle’s backyard has not been taken out although Janet did call Specialty
Management and talk with Terry Gingrich about it. He said he would take care of it, but nothing
has been done. Janet will send a
follow-up letter to the owner.
Business: Request to change HOA meeting night: Discussed that we change the meeting night to
second Mondays at 7pm. Next meeting will
be October 12th. Request from First
American Title: We got an email with
form to fill out for closure on sale of property at 3215 Meadow Glen Lane. Janet volunteered to fill out the paperwork,
have Tammi sign and the fax it off to the title company. Sprinkler Blowout: Four homeowners have said they would be
interested in having their sprinklers blown out. Not all have paid to date, but Janet will
call on the 18th and schedule those who have, and also the blow out
of the HOA Park. Appointment of
Interim Secretary and Treasurer: Since Chelsie has had to resign from the
secretarial position, Jane Button has agreed to serve in that capacity to the
end of the year. Kelley has had to
resign from her position as Treasurer also, and Cassie Day has agreed to serve
the rest of her term, and if they wish, they will be presented to the
homeowners at the annual meeting and can be elected to those positions for the
next year. It was moved, seconded and
unanimously approved by the Board that they be appointed to the position of
secretary and treasurer. The Board
thanked them for volunteering to fill these positions.
Next Board
meeting will be October 12th at 7pm. The
meeting was adjourned at 7:46 pm.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
July 2015 HOA Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2015 HOA Meeting Minutes
The Meeting was
called to order at 7: 05 PM by President, Tammi Jenkins.
Board Members
Present: Brian Lawrence, Vice President; Kelley Cullen, Treasurer
Janet Prendergast, Maintenance Advisor
Board Members Absent:
Chelsie and Luke Moyer, Secretary and ARC Liaison
- May 31, 2015 Ending Balance 30, 512. 02
- Income 1350.00
- Expenses 5020.66
- Balance in Checking as of June 30, 2015 26, 844.36
- Balance in Savings as of May 31, 2015 12, 302.75
- Balance CD 43,579.11
- Monthly bills, $148.31 Utilities, Neighborhood Lawn & Tree $396.00
- Old Business
- Collections on overdue dues. Entered pre-collections with 10, down to 4. Received a bill for $14, Motion to pay this administrative cost by Tammi, 2nd Brian, motion carried.
- Tammi ordered the Fire Lane stencil, cost $47 , will get paint once it arrives and do the fire lane side to see how well it helps with the parking issue.
- Lawyer consultation regarding the hotel project. Lawyer contacted, waiting for response.
- Fence Summary: Fence completed, paid.
- Water Inlet: Tammi contacted the city regarding whether they will help pull it back into place-however-discussion pointed out that it is not a trip hazard as it is.
New Business:
- Contact lists, Excel version not compatible: Tammi looking into rolling back her system or find another program to use for HOA that would be more stable.
- Water/Other Yard Compliance: Most people seem to be attempting on at least some issues to help conserve water with the city’s suggestions. Discussion: Although some yards seem to be overdoing it and letting the grass go beyond the point of rehabilitation, we are agreed not to address that issue alone while the weather is so hot and the water is a problem We will, however, be enforcing the rules regarding weeds, and fire hazards.
- Interim Secretary and ARC Liaison: Chelsie and Luke are going to be moving. Discussion regarding suggestions for Interim replacements. Those suggestions will be followed up and hopefully replacements will be settled by the next scheduled meeting.
- Trimming trees on Silverthorn. It was brought up that the branches are a bit low for the joggers. Janet will trim them up.
Reminder, meeting are now at
7PM, not 6:30PM, unless otherwise scheduled.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM by
President, Tammi Jenkins.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
June 2015 Meeting Minutes
The Orchards HOA Meeting
June 9, 2015
6:34 pm - Meeting opened by Tammi , President
Present: Tammi Jenkins, Luke Moyer, Chelsie Moyer, Brian Lawrence, Kelley
Cullen, and Janet Prendergast, Maintenance Committee
Treasurer’s Report prepared by Kelley
April 30, 2015 ending balance: $31,881.06
May 30, 2015 ending balances:
Checking: $30,515.02
Savings: $12,302.75
CD: $43,579.11
May Income: $595
May Expenses: $1,961.04
Utilities: $94.67 (City of Cheney)
Grounds/Plowing: $1,160.37 (Neighborhood
Lawn/Tree, AAA Sweeping)
Insurance: $706.00 (Philadelphia Insurance)
Dues collected in April as of May 31, 2015: $595.00
Janet contacted homes in question for late dues
(10 homes) and did preliminary work with collections agencies
3 residences responded: Doug Smart, Walker
Properties, Jeff Bethel – All checks reported as being mailed, totaling $1,050.
Kelley reported that she has not yet received the check from Jeff Bethel, so we
have collected only $700.
Motion to approve expenses made by Tammi; seconded by Luke.
Old Business
Brian performed basic tax audit review along
with Kelley and Tammi on May 19th. Kelley already performed full
Board checked 5 random bills and deposits. All
bills/deposits checked out. All reconciliations checked out. Board voted to
approve audit and signed off on the audit as of May 26, 2015. Brian, Tammi, and
Kelley signed off.
Kelley is to produce percentage breakdown by
category for annual meeting in January. What percentage is spent on
Maintenance, it is normally 50 to 60% of monies. Keep it separate from
$24K spent for resealing roads, as that
money wasn't from the annual income, but budgeted over the years for that
purpose. It needs to be mentioned, but not as normal annual maintenance.
Tammi motioned for a review of problem homes
over 2015 in the winter and to send spring notices to homes that have been
difficult. Issue to be presented at the annual HOA meeting and homeowners given
the option to opt in or provide proof of treatment. Board to produce a quote to
distribute to homeowners. Automatic treatment will fines/billing to be
discussed at the annual meeting.
Common property fencing: review of homeowner
Jesse Crabbe’s fence shows builder’s work to be satisfactory. Cost proposals
reviewed (3 bids). Fence to be replaced directly.
Janet to contact best bid option. Total cost: $4,063.00. Includes tax,
permit, and disposal of old fence. Tammi motions to approve the fence
replacement. Luke seconds.
Repair wish list work for 2015 to include fence
repair and potentially seeding swales on Meadow Glenn. Tammi proposes getting
pricing on Buffalo Grass. Brian seconds.
Tammi to contact Neighborhood Lawn and Tree
regarding sign that was knocked out of concrete. Janet to look at ordering
signs for fire lanes as needed.
Pole was bent. Tammi attempted to fix. Patch to
be filled in to hole around pole.
Reports from different “spotters” for reminders.
Kelley to review and send fines as needed. Janet
to pursue collections on homes past due on fine letters.
Chelsie to email property managers to check on
homes in the neighborhood due to dandelion issues and weed management.
Tammi to look at “Fire Lane” spray paint of fire
lane curbs. Tammi motions to investigate options. Luke seconds. Board to
provide supplies. Tammi to contact Fire Dept to see if the stencils could be
borrowed. Per email Mr. Smith is no longer in condition to paint curbs. Tammi
to report at next meeting.
Tammi and Janet painted curbs. Tammi to spray
paint “Fire Lane” on fire lane streets.
Form compatibility. PDF posting preserves
formatting better for upload and download into blogspot.
Janet sprayed swale inlets. Tammi to contact
nurseries about tree movement.
Brian and/or someone else to paint the
mailboxes. Brian to pursue quote from painters.
Kelley proposed reviewing new City of Cheney
codes for bylaw adoption.
New Business:
Janet contacted homes in question for late dues
(10 homes). Three homeowners have responded. Homeowner Dustin Flock approached
Janet regarding allegedly paid dues in 2014 and a lack of statement for 2015
home dues. Pending his return of documents board will review issue.
Board to review procedures for dues collection
(including address checking against assessor sites, phone calls, and emails)
Welcome letters to 126 WOL and 117 GBL (address
book adjustment also)
Homeowner/renter approached Tammi regarding
(3210 TCL) property. Board to proceed with action against property to get
homeowner/renter to maintain standards for yard.
Fence work expected to start mid-late June.
Additional $150 bracing expense voted yes by board via email. Janet to contact
building to make sure he notifies authorities appropriately.
Water inlet concrete top area compromised. End
of Meadow Glen. Tammi to call street department about fixing it.
Tammi spoke with homeowners regarding excessive
parking on street. Homeowner to limit street parking per conversation.
Trailer in overflow parking area. Possibly the same
trailer from outside the development last year. Tammi to collect license number
and have city contact owner.
Next meeting July 7th at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting
adjourned at 8:05 pm
May 2015 Meeting Minutes
The Orchards HOA Meeting
May 12, 2015
7:10 pm - Meeting opened by Tammi
Present: Tammi, Luke, Chelsie, Brian, Janet, and Kelley
Treasurer’s Report prepared by Kelley
March 31, 2015 ending balance: $31,945.88
April 30, 2015 ending balances:
Checking: $31,881.06
Savings: $12,302.75
CD: $43,542.13
April Income: $220.00
April Expenses: $1,166.16
Utilities: $95.67 (City of Cheney)
Office Supplies: $64.24 (Copy Junction)
Taxes: $79.91 (IRS)
Safe Deposit Box: $45.00 (Banner Bank)
Dues as of March 31, 2015: $220.00
Kelley sent notices to homeowners who are out of
compliance. They have until 5-14-2015 to comply or be sent to collection.
Brian to perform basic tax audit review along
with Kelley and Tammi, on May 19th,
at the Cullen home to spot check the full audit Kelley already performed.
Motion to approve expenses made by Tammi;
seconded by Luke
Old Business
Tammi contacted Holiday Inn (Andersons)
regarding a written letter of agreement to items discussed at the March meeting.
Tammi to continue requesting letter in the immediate future. Potential of work
to begin in July.
Water turned on in the park via letter to the
City of Cheney.
Timer reviewed, water in the park to valves on,
and sprinklers checked by Tammi and Janet.
New Business
Tammi motions a review of problem homes regarding dandelions and send notices prior to Spring, Discussion, the Board will produce a quote to
distribute to homeowners regarding a pre-emergent lawn treatment to prevent weeds,
primarily dandelions. After seeing how this goes in handling with
slow-to-respond homeowners, we will revisit the idea of the letter notifying
that unless proof is received that a pre-emergent has been applied, it would be
done by the HOA contract and billed to the homeowner. This entire subject to be
discussed at the annual meeting.
Common property fencing: review of homeowner
Jesse Crabbe’s fence shows builder’s work to be satisfactory. Cost proposals
reviewed (3 bids) show this builder to have the lowest rates. Fence to be
replaced directly in line to Holiday Inn, removing the existing dog-leg.
Janet to contact best bid option. Total cost:
$3,913.00. Includes tax, permit, and disposal of old fence. Tammi motions to
approve the fence replacement. Luke seconds. Carried.
Repair wish list work for 2015 to include fence
repair and potentially seeding the two small swales on the East side of Meadow
Glen, near Greenbriar intersection. Tammi will pursue pricing on Buffalo Grass.
Tammi to contact Neighborhood Lawn and Tree
regarding sign that was knocked out of concrete. Janet proposed they try using
a concrete patch as well.
Reports from different “spotters” for reminders
Kelley to review and send fines as needed. Janet
to pursue collections on homes past due on fine letters.
Chelsie to email property managers to check on
homes in the neighborhood due to dandelion issues and weed management.
Tammi to look into “Fire Lane” stencil to spray
paint fire lane. During the meeting, a
stencil which looks to fit the need was seen online for $40-$80. Tammi moves to
approve that amount for the stencil, Luke seconds. Carried.
Form compatibility update. PDF posting preserves
formatting better for upload and download into blogspot.
Janet sprayed swale inlets for weeds. Tammi to
contact nurseries about possibility of them wanting the trees from the entry on
Silverthorn, at their expense to remove/move.
Brian to pursue quote from painters to
professionally repaint the mailboxes at both entries.
Kelley pointed out the insert in the Cheney
utility bill and the codes referenced there. Discussion that we can further
restrict the problem of the vehicle repairs in the driveways and streets by
simply upholding the city’s code regarding the repairs being done inside a
June meeting scheduled for June 2, 2015.
Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting
adjourned at 8:15 pm
Thursday, April 9, 2015
April Meeting Minutes
The Orchards HOA Meeting
April 07, 2015
6:40 pm - Meeting Opened by Tammi Jenkins, President.Present: Tammi Jenkins, Luke Moyer, Chelsie Moyer, and Kelley Cullen.
Not Present: Brian Lawrence.
Maintenance Committee: Janet Prendergast.
Guests: Robin Stark
Guest homeowner presentation:
Homeowner Robin presents ARC application regarding shed to be installed on property. [Sheds must be installed 3’ from all property lines]. Homeowner has secured permit and ARC review.o Luke grants ARC approval after review of applicable documents
o Luke grants ARC approval for fencing proposed by homeowner Jesse Crabbe
Treasurer’s Report prepared by Kelley
February 28, 2015 ending balance: $31,812.04 March 31, 2015 ending balances:
o Checking: $31,945.88
o Savings: $12,302.75
o CD: $43,508.29
March Income: $1,300
March Expenses: $1,166.16
o Utilities: $94.67 (City of Cheney)
o Office Supplies: $12.37 (Copy Junction)
o Insurance: $956.00 (Philadelphia Insurance)
Dues as of March 31, 2015: $1,300.00
o Kelley informs that one homeowner’s check bounced. Kelley to assess late fees.
o 11 homes out of compliance. Kelley to assign fees.
o Kelley to send letter notices to homeowners who are out of compliance. Homes with late dues to be sent to collections in April.
o Review of duplicate payments question posed by Dawn Zoesch of Moland. Kelley returned her question and the duplicate check was sent back. Kelley to call Dawn and confirm her receipt of the returned check and that it has not been cashed.
Kelley moved $10,000 from checking into the road fund (CD fund) per March meeting decision.
Motion to approve monthly expenses made by Tammi; seconded by Luke
Kelley performed full audit. She reviewed inflows, outflows, and deposits/invoices. Kelley to ensure all invoice/deposit copies are appropriately stored/filed. Janet suggests presenting cash flow as percentages of total expenditures to review at annual HOA meetings.
o Kelley to present completed file package to Tammi at the May meeting. The audit review will be scheduled at that time.
Old Business
o Fencing bids procured by Janet. Two bids have been secured. Third bid to be procured in compliance with HOA rules. Janet to contact best bid option to review material quality. Reports from different “spotters” for reminders
o Kelley to review and send fines as needed
Board to review curb painting as weather allows later in Spring.
o Mr. Smith has volunteered to paint curbs. Board to provide supplies.
Spring letter included in letter for homeowners regarding Holiday Inn propositions.
o No homeowner response as of April 7, 2015.
Fines to be distributed by Kelley as needed. Chelsie to inform.
Board members to bring ideas for maintenance issues/improvement ideas to May meeting.
New Business
Tammi to contact Holiday Inn (Andersons) regarding a written letter of agreement to items discussed at the last meeting Tammi to contact Neighborhood Lawn and Tree regarding sign that was knocked out of concrete. Janet to look at ordering signs for fire lanes as needed.
Board to propose maintenance “wish-list” and review at the next meeting
o Tammi suggests bringing swales up to CC&R codes and potentially seeding with
Buffalo grass
Luke/Tammi to contact city regarding collars for water main. Janet says there is no charge.
May meeting scheduled for May 12, 2015.
Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm
Monday, March 30, 2015
Spring Newsletter
March 31, 2015
Since the weather is deciding, day-by-day, what sort of Spring/Summer we are in for here in Cheney it seems time to put out a Spring Newsletter and add some reminders.
As promised at the Annual Meeting in January, the Board discussed a portion of the money that was not used for plowing to be ear-marked for the larger repairs or improvements that have been on people’s minds the last few years.
A main item has been the replacement of the common area wooden fence. Thankfully, we had a homeowner at the meeting this month that informed us that misinformation had been being put out that the HOA takes care of and will replace that old wooden fencing that the builder put up initially. This is incorrect. The common areas are maintained by the HOA as a group. The fence bordering each individual’s property is theirs and must be maintained privately. While we were sorry to disappoint those few remaining homes that had been misinformed, there is a possibility that when the common fence is bid and replaced, if the homeowner’s decide to “piggyback” on that contract, they could save some money. The bids are being solicited now and there will be an update on the blog as we go along.
At the meeting, it was proposed and accepted that $5,000 be budgeted, annually and conditionally, in improvement funds. This money would be contingent upon the base operating budget, most heavily affected by snowfall and plowing, and any issues with roads or saving for the road repairs.
We would like your productive feedback on things that you feel may need repair or improvement in the neighborhood. For instance, we intend to repaint the corners of the curbs and the mailboxes (the USPS’s job, but we've asked for years and they won’t do it).
Please respond with any ideas to
Also present at the March meeting were the Anderson’s, who are part-owners of the Holiday Inn Express. They are moving into a Westward expansion in their property and it carries with it some proposed changes to our entry from Betz Road. The main points are listed below:
(1)They need to make a swale along the area where the current fence and tree line are on Silverthorn’s East side.
(2) They would not be moving the mailboxes, nor affecting the sidewalk/roadway. They do propose removing the trees and the fence (which they put in anyway and is in disrepair) and have offered to put up a new fence and whatever we want for landscaping that will stay out of the power lines above. (3) I have attached the plat drawings for both properties, for anyone who has an interest in such things.
If you have questions or concerns, please email and we will do our best to get them resolved.
It is not a “done deal”, as yet, but timing is crucial, so please be proactive and write quickly with any comments. You are, of course, also free to speak with the Anderson’s and the city concerning the proposed project.
As with every spring, please please please be responsible for your yard’s weeds, especially the things that spread to your neighbor’s yards, like Dandelions.
It is possible that the City will be asking everyone to ration water with the dry winter. Please watch for any announcements and be faithful to follow them. Also, please make sure that your water is not “watering the street”, as this increases wear and tear on the roads and wastes water outright.
That being said, we will be resuming the Yard of the Month award beginning with May, and anyone can nominate a yard they feel is well-kept and nice-looking. It doesn’t have to be “fancy”! We have some folks that are extremely faithful in the upkeep of their homes/yards and they deserve recognition.
Speaking of yards and care taken… please remind your kids that everyone’s yard is private property in the sense of being
played and/or walked in or on, and especially with regard to behavior that they might not see as damaging or stealing… like grabbing up handfuls of decorative rock (that we all know is expensive) and scattering it in the streets, on the sidewalks. Etc.
Or playing a ball game that involves hitting toward someone’s garage door, or into their landscaping. We have a HUGE park on 6th for these sorts of things, so it’s not like there are no options. Let’s help them understand what it means to be a good neighbor!
Included below are some reminders of the City codes and ordinances regarding noise, parking and numbers of people living in the homes within an R-1 development.
I’ve also included the fine schedule, which would follow an unheeded reminder or two.
Usually, the fine is removed upon compliance, however, please note that if a violation is repetitious and compliance is only achieved after numerous contacts, the fine will not be lifted. The idea being, it’s no one’s idea of fun to spend their discretionary time having to repeatedly contact a neighbor that knows what the rule is and yet refuses, for whatever reason, to honor it. A good example is the basketball hoops. They are really not to be on the sidewalks, period. However, IF you do
move it while actively playing, then it MUST be moved back off the sidewalk immediately. Sidewalks are for people to walk on, children, strollers, etc. that should not be forced into the roadway to accommodate such things.
In accordance to Article III, 3.12 (4) and the State of Washington RCW 64.38.020 (11) the following is the fine
schedule for violations of the Covenants, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations for the Orchards: Revision 2/5-4-2007.
Property: including but not limited to unkempt landscape, lawn maintenance, junk or garbage in front yard or visible from the street (not screened with properly approved fence) -- $50 per week until resolved.
Fences and Outbuildings: including but not limited to damage to the common area fencing, private fences in disrepair, fences or outbuildings not approved by the ARC committee -- $50 each violation per month until remedied.
Parking/Vehicle Restrictions: including but not limited to: blocking the sidewalks, impeding the passing of an emergency vehicle, blocking another’s driveway, parking too close to a stop sign or intersection (curbs are marked with red paint) or parking in the front yard of a property -- $50 each vehicle per occurrence.
Animal Restrictions/Control: Primary response for animal issues in Cheney is S.C.R.A.P.S. No action will be taken by the Board unless that agency is proven to be consistently, unreasonably unresponsive.
Trash: including but not limited to cans being left out past the day of collection, trash in cans not being properly lidded so that the trash blows into other’s yards or the common areas of the neighborhood, trash dump in swales (including grass clippings that someone dumps. -- $50 per occurrence, per month until remedied.
Drainage Swale Maintenance: including but not limited to failing to plant the swales in grass and keep them trimmed and weed free, failing to make sure the flow of drainage water is not impeded, homeowners may not fill in any drainage area or degrade the swale in any way -- $50 per occurrence, per month until remedied plus cost of restoring swale to its correct state.
March 31, 2015
Since the weather is deciding, day-by-day, what sort of Spring/Summer we are in for here in Cheney it seems time to put out a Spring Newsletter and add some reminders.
As promised at the Annual Meeting in January, the Board discussed a portion of the money that was not used for plowing to be ear-marked for the larger repairs or improvements that have been on people’s minds the last few years.
A main item has been the replacement of the common area wooden fence. Thankfully, we had a homeowner at the meeting this month that informed us that misinformation had been being put out that the HOA takes care of and will replace that old wooden fencing that the builder put up initially. This is incorrect. The common areas are maintained by the HOA as a group. The fence bordering each individual’s property is theirs and must be maintained privately. While we were sorry to disappoint those few remaining homes that had been misinformed, there is a possibility that when the common fence is bid and replaced, if the homeowner’s decide to “piggyback” on that contract, they could save some money. The bids are being solicited now and there will be an update on the blog as we go along.
At the meeting, it was proposed and accepted that $5,000 be budgeted, annually and conditionally, in improvement funds. This money would be contingent upon the base operating budget, most heavily affected by snowfall and plowing, and any issues with roads or saving for the road repairs.
We would like your productive feedback on things that you feel may need repair or improvement in the neighborhood. For instance, we intend to repaint the corners of the curbs and the mailboxes (the USPS’s job, but we've asked for years and they won’t do it).
Please respond with any ideas to
Also present at the March meeting were the Anderson’s, who are part-owners of the Holiday Inn Express. They are moving into a Westward expansion in their property and it carries with it some proposed changes to our entry from Betz Road. The main points are listed below:
(1)They need to make a swale along the area where the current fence and tree line are on Silverthorn’s East side.
(2) They would not be moving the mailboxes, nor affecting the sidewalk/roadway. They do propose removing the trees and the fence (which they put in anyway and is in disrepair) and have offered to put up a new fence and whatever we want for landscaping that will stay out of the power lines above. (3) I have attached the plat drawings for both properties, for anyone who has an interest in such things.
If you have questions or concerns, please email and we will do our best to get them resolved.
It is not a “done deal”, as yet, but timing is crucial, so please be proactive and write quickly with any comments. You are, of course, also free to speak with the Anderson’s and the city concerning the proposed project.
As with every spring, please please please be responsible for your yard’s weeds, especially the things that spread to your neighbor’s yards, like Dandelions.
It is possible that the City will be asking everyone to ration water with the dry winter. Please watch for any announcements and be faithful to follow them. Also, please make sure that your water is not “watering the street”, as this increases wear and tear on the roads and wastes water outright.
That being said, we will be resuming the Yard of the Month award beginning with May, and anyone can nominate a yard they feel is well-kept and nice-looking. It doesn’t have to be “fancy”! We have some folks that are extremely faithful in the upkeep of their homes/yards and they deserve recognition.
Speaking of yards and care taken… please remind your kids that everyone’s yard is private property in the sense of being
played and/or walked in or on, and especially with regard to behavior that they might not see as damaging or stealing… like grabbing up handfuls of decorative rock (that we all know is expensive) and scattering it in the streets, on the sidewalks. Etc.
Or playing a ball game that involves hitting toward someone’s garage door, or into their landscaping. We have a HUGE park on 6th for these sorts of things, so it’s not like there are no options. Let’s help them understand what it means to be a good neighbor!
Included below are some reminders of the City codes and ordinances regarding noise, parking and numbers of people living in the homes within an R-1 development.
I’ve also included the fine schedule, which would follow an unheeded reminder or two.
Usually, the fine is removed upon compliance, however, please note that if a violation is repetitious and compliance is only achieved after numerous contacts, the fine will not be lifted. The idea being, it’s no one’s idea of fun to spend their discretionary time having to repeatedly contact a neighbor that knows what the rule is and yet refuses, for whatever reason, to honor it. A good example is the basketball hoops. They are really not to be on the sidewalks, period. However, IF you do
move it while actively playing, then it MUST be moved back off the sidewalk immediately. Sidewalks are for people to walk on, children, strollers, etc. that should not be forced into the roadway to accommodate such things.
In accordance to Article III, 3.12 (4) and the State of Washington RCW 64.38.020 (11) the following is the fine
schedule for violations of the Covenants, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations for the Orchards: Revision 2/5-4-2007.
Property: including but not limited to unkempt landscape, lawn maintenance, junk or garbage in front yard or visible from the street (not screened with properly approved fence) -- $50 per week until resolved.
Fences and Outbuildings: including but not limited to damage to the common area fencing, private fences in disrepair, fences or outbuildings not approved by the ARC committee -- $50 each violation per month until remedied.
Parking/Vehicle Restrictions: including but not limited to: blocking the sidewalks, impeding the passing of an emergency vehicle, blocking another’s driveway, parking too close to a stop sign or intersection (curbs are marked with red paint) or parking in the front yard of a property -- $50 each vehicle per occurrence.
Animal Restrictions/Control: Primary response for animal issues in Cheney is S.C.R.A.P.S. No action will be taken by the Board unless that agency is proven to be consistently, unreasonably unresponsive.
Trash: including but not limited to cans being left out past the day of collection, trash in cans not being properly lidded so that the trash blows into other’s yards or the common areas of the neighborhood, trash dump in swales (including grass clippings that someone dumps. -- $50 per occurrence, per month until remedied.
Drainage Swale Maintenance: including but not limited to failing to plant the swales in grass and keep them trimmed and weed free, failing to make sure the flow of drainage water is not impeded, homeowners may not fill in any drainage area or degrade the swale in any way -- $50 per occurrence, per month until remedied plus cost of restoring swale to its correct state.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Meeting Minutes 2-10-2015
The Orchards HOA Meeting
February 10, 2015
6:33 pm - Meeting Opened by Tammi
Present: Tammi Jenkins, Luke Moyer, Chelsie Moyer, and Kelley Cullen
Absent: Brian Lawrence
Guests: Janet Prendergast
Treasurer’s Report presented by Kelley
December 31, 2014 ending balance: $6,267.13
January 31, 2015 ending balances:
Checking: $12,814.12
Savings: $22,294.51
CD: $33,454.19
December Income: $7,070.00
January Expenses: $523.01
Utilities: $97.67 (City of Cheney)
Ground care/plowing: $347.84 (Neighborhood Lawn
& Dew Drop)
Taxes: $80.50 (Spokane Treasurer)
Motion to approve expenses made by Tammi;
seconded by Luke, passed unanimously.
Kelley presented report of dues as of February
10, 2015: $23,000
Tammi proposes homes out of compliance (past
years) with dues be sent to collection.
Kelley to send out past-due notices and fines
for Dec. 2014 dues.
Tammi and Janet reviewed Neighborhood Lawn and
Tree service proposal against historic services and service rate. No new
services added. Kelley will check
previous years for mowing rate and report back to Tammi. Tammi will collect any competing proposals
(one tenant had expressed an interest last summer) and then we’ll make a final
Old Business
Discussion on reminders, fines, tracking sheets,
Documents to be stored on Orchard’s gmail docs
drive for group editing
Reports from different “spotters” for reminders;
Kelley to review and send fines
Board to review savings deposit at March
meeting. Board will review a project amount per year to allocate based on
needs. Additional funds to be deposited into savings.
Board to schedule curb painting as weather
allows in Spring.
Tammi has updated the blog with current Board
members and documents . She will get the notice about volunteers for up-coming
“maintenance parties” on the blog this week.
New Business
March meeting scheduled for March 10, 2015.
Kelley and Chelsie both have updates for the
addresses list. They will email the
additions and Tammi will update the master and send it out.
Motion to adjourn meeting proposed by Tammi; seconded by Chelsie. Meeting
adjourned at 7:26 pm
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